Chapter 59

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Taehyung stomped towards the kitchen and made a plate for the younger. He started carrying it towards the younger's room drowned in his own thoughts while all his hyungs including Jason gazed at him.

'Tae' called Yoongi. Taehyung turned around to witness his hyung.

'Is he good, buddy?' softly asked Hoseok.

'Hyung, he thinks that being hungry will solve all problems and he told me that he is punishing himself while staying hungry until Jin hyung forgives him' said Taehyung.

'What!' gasped everyone at the new found information.

'I will talk to him Hyung' assured Taehyung and passed his hyungs.

Taehyung carried the plate to the younger's room and locked the door. He made his way to his previous position while Jungkook sat there too.

Taehyung kept the plate at the side and sighed.

'Jungkook' coldly called Taehyung.

'Y..yes' answered Jungkook biting his lip.

'Who told you to punish yourself while staying hungry and not eating?' coldly questioned Taehyung.

'I...I' stuttered Jungkook, while looking down.

'Heads up and eyes on me' sternly commanded Taehyung. Jungkook followed.

'What have I told you about biting your lips, Jungkook?' yelled Taehyung.

'N...not to' responded Jungkook. Taehyung sighed when he saw how the younger flinched and started tearing. He gently made Jungkook leave his bottom lip.

'Jungkook, stop crying!' sternly said Taehyung. Jungkook instantly tried to stop his crying and was just sniffling afraid that his hyung might do something to him.

'Jungkook, why did you think it was a good idea to starve yourself?' asked Taehyung.

'Be...because, I deserve it. I MADE JIN HYUNG CRY!! It's because of me, you were all worried. All because of me. WHY DO I ALWAYS CAUSE PROBLEMS??  Here too and with my friends too!! They hate me too just like you do. They leave me and hangout all the time and I just wanted to hangout once. They always go to different clubs and party while leaving me all alone, ignoring me. I also wanted to go....' angrily yelled Jungkook as frustrated tears rolled down his eyes.

Taehyung blinked his eyes in shock. What was going on with the younger? Was he always feeling so left out? Ohh! Gosh!!

Taehyung couldn't see the tears in younger's eyes anymore. He immediately pulled the younger towards him and held him there as the younger cried.

'Hyung, w..why d..don't they take with them, hyung? W..why don't they? Am, ....I not g..god en..enough-' Jungkook was cut short by Taehyung.

'Shhh!! Shh!!, Bunny. Shh! Bun, hyung is here hmm. Shh! Bub, calm down. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in and out buddy. Do it for hyung. Good, good. My bunny is the best' consoled Taehyung.

Taehyung struggled to stand up and walked back and forth while holding Jungkook like a Koala as Jungkook easily calmed down. Jungkook, took his own time to calm down and Taehyung didn't complain even once. They were all caught up with all the drama going on that they failed to give their complete attention to their bunny. Which resulted in this!

Taehyung sighed once Jungkook fell asleep on his shoulders. He didn't want to leave the younger alone, so he decided to carry him to his room so that he can work and keep an eye on the younger. He texted all his hyungs that he would be taking care of Jungkook and would be in his room, and no need to worry and also, he would explain everything later.

Taehyung held onto Jungkook and worked. After, an hour he slowly woke Jungkook up as he needed to feed his baby.

'Bub, wake up buddy. Your tummy needs something. Bub, wake up' gently said Taehyung. Jungkook looked like a lost puppy on his hyungs lap.

Taehyung fed Jungkook and was relieved that the younger didn't throw any tantrum to eat. Once finished, he found Jungkook again asleep on his shoulder. He sighed as the talk could wait.

Once Jungkook was awoke and all ready Taehyung decided it was the time to talk.

'Bub' called Taehyung. Jungkook perked up at that and waddled towards his hyung. Taehyung pulled him on his lap and made him straddle him so that they were face to face with each other.

'Koo, baby can you co-operate with hyung?' softly asked Taehyung knowing that Jungkook would just scare and run away if he deals with him in an angry way. Jungkook slightly nodded his head. Taehyung hooked his fingers under the younger's chin and made him look at him.

'Do you trust hyung?' asked Taehyung and Jungkook again nodded.

'I need words bub' spoke Taehyung.

'I...I trust you' uttered Jungkook.

'Then baby, will you hear to hyung?' again asked Taehyung. Jungkook slightly nodded.

'Bub, hyungs were a bit busy so they couldn't be at mansion all the time, but that doesn't mean we don't love you baby. We love you loads, very much buddy.' said Taehyung as Jungkook stared at him with puppy eyes.

'And, bub, Jin hyung did cry. It's also because of you, but that doesn't mean that you would punish yourself by starving. Why did Jin hyung cry humm?' explained Taehyung and at last questioned, Jungkook. Jungkook was confused about that and just stared at his hyung.

'You don't know, do you?' questioned Taehyung. Jungkook nodded.

'He cried because he was worried for you. He was concerned that he would never be able to find you. He had thousands of things running inside his mind when he realised that you weren't found. He is older than all of us, buddy and you missing made him feel that he was responsible. He already has so much on his side to deal with, but still he comes home everyday for us, he prepares our favourite foods because you don't eat the food which our maids prepare. He does so much for us bub, and being afraid when you were not found is common. That's why he cried. And, do you think he would be happy, if you starve yourself? asked Taehyung as he softly explained his bunny.

Jungkook's eyes brimmed with new set of tears at that.

'I...I am so...sorry' uttered Jungkook. Taehyung was quick to calm him down

'You should apologise everyone buddy' whispered Taehyung. Jungkook nodded at that.

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