Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(1)

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   "Did you catch him?!" Hina asked.

   "What did he look like?!" Kaito chimed in.

   "Did he look like a serial killer?!" Sonia asked excitedly. Many of the students in Hope's Peak were crowded around Shuichi, asking about the very mysterious and elusive Phantom Thief. 

  "Uh...well...I can't say for sure what he looked like," Shuichi replied with uncertainty. "As a matter of fact, he's becoming more and more difficult to catch. I think I might need some backup."

   "Ha! Some Ultimate Detective you are!" Miu spat. "An Ultimate Detective wouldn't need backup! That's why you're called the *Ultimate* Detective!"

  "Hey, even Sherlock needed a Watson, and he's known as the world's greatest detective!" Kaito pointed out.

   "Um...I thought that was Batman," Tsumugi said.

   "Sherlock...Batman...who cares?" Kaito said. "The point is that they both needed a sidekick, and if Shuichi needs a sidekick, then he's gonna get one, alright? And nobody think about makin' fun of him, 'cuz I'll blast you all into deep space!"

   "Thanks, Kaito," Shuichi said, giving Kaito a grateful smile.

   "No problem, Shuichi!" Kaito said. "And don't worry! I'll help you find that Phantom Thief and take him down!"

   "Um...actually, Kaito, I was thinking about asking Kyoko for help, since she's also the Ultimate Detective." Shuichi replied sheepishly. 

   "KYOKO?!" Kaito exclaimed. "Er...I mean, I guess that's long as you catch the thief guy." He rubbed the back of his head with disappointment and embarrassment. 

   "Huh...they're still talking about the Phantom Thief?!" Tenko scoffed as she slammed her locker door shut, and looked in annoyance at the crowd surrounding Shuichi. "Why waste their time talking about some degenerate male who goes around stealing things? Don't they have anything important to talk about?"

   "The Phantom Thief is so very sneaky that not even Atua knows who he is," Angie said. "The Phantom Thief is, indeed, a mysterious mystery!"

   "Pff...guess your Atua isn't so great after all, right, Himiko?" Tenko said. Himiko didn't respond. She was backed up against her locker, holding her book up to her chest with a wistful expression on her face. "Himiko? Himiko?!" Tenko said, waving her hand in front of Himiko's face. 

   "Nyeh! What? What happened?!" Himiko said, coming out of her daydream. 

   "Himiko, what are you daydreaming about?" Tenko asked. 

   "Nee-heehee...probably of having a better-looking face," a taunting voice said from behind them. The girls turned to see Kokichi Ouma smiling mischievously at them. Himiko groaned. Kokichi was always picking on her, even though she never did anything to deserve it. He usually picked on everyone, but he seemed to enjoy picking on her the most.

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