Dead Girls Tell No Tales (12)

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    "An' 'ere is the bed, an' the table on which ye write things...I guess," Angie the Chiseler droned on as she showed Kokichi around the cabin. "An' 'ere is the-"

   "Hey, can I ask you something?" Kokichi asked. Angie the Chiseler turned to him.

   "What do ye want?" she muttered. 

    "How would you like to chisel my head?" Kokichi asked excitedly. Angie the Chiseler brightened and raised her hammer and chisel at him.

   "Yeah! Yeah!" she replied, nodding enthusiastically. "Nothin' makes me 'appier than a chiselin!'" 

   "I'm soooo happy to hear that!" Kokichi gushed. "I've always wanted to have my head chiseled! I feel so lucky to have met you!"

   "'Ere, lemme do it right now!" Angie the Chiseler exclaimed, and ran towards Kokichi. Kokichi held his hands up defensively. 

   "Whoa, whoa, wait just a minute, now!" he said. Angie the Chiseler lowered her hammer and chisel down in confusion.

   "Eh?" she asked. 

   "The captain said you can't chisel me right now, so you have to wait a while," Kokichi said. Angie the Chiseler slumped her shoulders in disappointment. 

   "Oh, that's right," she sighed forlornly. 

   "But that's a problem for you, since Tenko Tuna Breath might kill me before you have the chance to chisel my head," Kokichi said. 

   "Eh?" Angie the Chiseler asked again.

   "Yeah! I mean, did you see how eager that mean old Tenko Tuna Breath was to show me around the cabin?" Kokichi asked. "She was really trying to trap me in here so she could kill me with her horrible breath, and not even give you the chance to chisel me!" Angie the Chiseler growled in anger.

   "I knew tha' bloody wench was up t'no good!" she snarled. 

   " it true that people die if they smell her breath up reeaaal close?" Kokichi asked. Angie the Chiseler nodded.

   "Aye! 'Tis!" she replied. 

   "I see..." Kokichi replied with a sly grin. "Tell me this, are you and Tenko Tuna Breath also bound to the curse that your captain is under?"

   "Nope! Only the cap'n is cursed, since she's wearin' the Ring o' Despair!" Angie the Chiseler replied. "She 'elps us stay alive fer so long because she uses tha' Ring on us. But, even so, we're still capable of dyin.' Tha's why me an' Tenko Tuna Breath do what the cap'n tells us to do. She says she'll kill us if we don't. An' me an' Tuna Breath wanna stay alive as long as possible! We don't wanna die!!" Angie the Chiseler cried in fear.

   "Ahhh..." Kokichi said, feeling a small wave of guilt wash over him at what he was going to do next. "Well, Angie the Chiseler, you wanna make sure Tenko Tuna Breath doesn't get a chance to kill me, right?"

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