Miu and the Mechanic (9)

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    The next morning, Kokichi brought breakfast up to Himiko, who was still locked up in her and Tenko's room. Because she had locked the door, Tenko couldn't enter, so she had to spend the night in Angie and Tsumugi's room. Kokichi set the breakfast tray down, and pulled his lockpicking tools out from his pocket. He picked the lock to Himiko and Tenko's door, and opened it. 

   "Hey, Himiko!" he announced. Himiko shot up and frowned at him.

   "Close the door!" she hissed. Kokichi closed the door and sat on her bed, holding the breakfast tray out to her. 

    "Kirumi made some good ol' syrupy French toast!" Kokichi said. Himiko took the tray and began gobbling up her breakfast. "Nee-heehee...so, you getting ready to go bash Miu's head in, now?"

    "Nyeh...I don't wanna talk about it," Himiko grumbled through a mouthful of food. Kokichi was about to say something else when he heard voices outside. He stood up to look outside Himiko's window, and saw Miu talking to Kazuichi outside of 7th Island House next door. 

   "Himiko! Himiko! Look!" he exclaimed, waving Himiko over. Himiko jumped out of bed, and looked out the window. "Do the magic spell thingy where we can hear what they're saying!" Himiko uttered the spell and were soon able to hear Miu and Kazuichi's conversation.

   "I-I'm sorry for...being so annoying last night..." Miu said, folding her hands politely in front of her. Kazuichi shifted his weight and sighed.

   "Why are you that way, Miu?" Kazuichi asked. "And I don't mean that in a rude way. I just... wanna know what's up with you."

   "I don't know..." Miu groaned, running her fingers through her hair. "I just...well...no, never mind." Kazuichi gently gave Miu an encouraging tap on her shoulder with the back of his hand.

   "C'mon, tell me," he said softly. Miu blushed slightly at his touch, and smiled a bit.

   "Um...well, it's just that...I've never had a boyfriend before," she finally admitted.

   "R-Really?" Kazuichi asked quietly. "That's news to me!" 

  "Really?" Miu asked. 

   "Yeah! I mean, I thought all the guys would wanna go out with you," Kazuichi said. 

   "But you told me yesterday that my attitude would make other people not want to be around me," Miu mumbled. 

   "Oh, well, I thought that maybe you had boyfriends, but they didn't stick around long enough because of your attitude," Kazuichi admitted. 

   "Oh..." Miu replied softly.

   "But...it's okay that you've never had a boyfriend," Kazuichi said. "I've never had a girlfriend."

  "Well, that's not surprising," Miu said with a shrug. Kazuichi frowned at her. "Oh! No...I didn't mean it like that! I guess, I just meant that...well, I don't know what I meant." Miu put her hands up to her cheeks in embarrassment.

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