Pyramid Scheme (10)

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    "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Everyone screamed as the mummies chased them outside of the burial chamber. 

   "Where do we go?!" Miu cried as they ran.

   "We must go back through the door that led us into this room!" Kiyo answered. Kaito stopped abruptly in front of the door they had entered before discovering the large drawing Queen Yuwanapisami. 

   "B-But...that has all the beetles in it!" he shrieked. 

   "Stop bein' a planet-sized pussy and just go, already, you space-lovin' shithead!!" Miu yelled, shoving Kaito through the door. The others ran inside just as the mummies reached them. In a frenzy, the scarab beetles began flying everywhere. 

    "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Kaito sobbed, swinging his arms every which way. "THEY'RE CRAWLING ON ME!!! I CAN FEEL IT!! SOMEBODY GET ME OUTTA HE-HE-HEEEEERREEE!!!"

    "Ee-eeeeeeee!!! So this is what it's like to be trapped in a room with bugs flyin' everywhere!!" Miu squealed in terror. She was banging herself against the walls, trying to squish any beetles in the process. She heard a squelch, followed by the feeling of liquid pouring down her shirt. "AAUUUGHHH...NOW I GOT BUG GUTS GOIN' DOWN MY BOOBS!!"

   "Everyone...ughh...keep...urghh...going!" Kiyo shouted through strains of trying to swat away the beetles. 

   "KOKICHI!!!" Himiko screamed, closing her eyes shut. "THERE'S A BEETLE ON MY ARM!!! GET IT OFF!!!" 

   "BAD BEETLE!!! GET OFF OF HIMIKO!!!" Kokichi yelled and swatted it off. "AAHH!!!" Squeaking like a chipmunk, he jumped back in fear.

   "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Kaito screamed like a little girl. "THE MUMMY'S GOT MEEEEEE!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Through the storm of beetles, the others turned and saw that Kaito had spoken the truth. Wrapped around Kaito's waists were a pair of mummy arms, which were slowly dragging him back. 

   "Hold on, Kaito!" Kiyo said. He waved his torch at the mummy, which moaned in fear as it backed off. Kaito was now free and he and the others began trudging through the tunnel of swarming beetles. They finally made it to the end of the tunnel. The wall that Kokichi had blown up seemed to have crumbled some more as they were inside the queen's burial chamber. They ran through it and back into the room where they had encountered the wall with the hieroglyphs. Kiyo pointed at the lone tunnel they hadn't gone through yet. 

   "Quick! Through there!" he said, and led them through it. Behind them, they could hear the moans of the mummies, which were gaining on them. 

   "Hahaha...this is so cool!" Kokichi exclaimed happily. "We're being chased by actual real-life mummies!" 

   "Kaito, next time you decide to go on a field trip, please don't bring me along," Kiyo said. 

   "If there is a next time!" Kaito pointed out. They ran into a large room with an enormous statue of Queen Yuwanapisami sitting on her throne. Behind the statue was a small opening in which they could hide. Himiko stopped to see if she could talk to the mummies.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now