Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(13)

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    Later that night, at midnight, Himiko was sitting on a bench in the park, waiting for the Phantom Thief. Kokichi had told her earlier that day that the Phantom Thief would meet her for the last time at the park. As soon as Himiko arrived home, she immediately washed the yellow dress she had worn the night before, and put it on again, along with her black heels. She also grabbed her mask, hat, and gloves, in case she needed them. Himiko was now waiting underneath the silvery glow of the full moon for the Phantom Thief one last time.

  "I hear you were eager for our final rendezvous together," came the low and smooth voice of the Phantom Thief. Himiko stood up excitedly and looked around, but the Phantom Thief was nowhere to be seen. "Up here, love," the Phantom Thief said. Himiko looked above her and smiled. He was sitting above her on a tree branch. He jumped down and landed gracefully in front of her.

  "You came!" Himiko said in a soft whisper. The Phantom Thief caressed her face.

   "I would never pass up an opportunity to spend time with you," he said. Himiko sighed blissfully and gently touched the Phantom Thief's hand that was caressing her cheek. 

   "Nyeh...why did you leave so suddenly last night?" Himiko asked, getting straight to the point. The Phantom Thief hung his head in shame.

   "I do apologize for that," he said. "But...I care for you, Himiko, and I feel that we should not meet again."

   "But...why?" Himiko pressed. The Phantom Thief sighed.

   "Yesterday, you revealed to me a secret that I'm sure you would have preferred to keep hidden," he said.  

   "Wh-What do you mean?" Himiko asked.

   "Your magic," the Phantom Thief replied. "You revealed it to me. And because of that, I...can't allow you to assist me, anymore."

   "But...I already told you before that I can wield it," Himiko said.

    "I have to admit...I didn't believe you at the time," the Phantom Thief replied sheepishly.

  "Oh..." Himiko said, twiddling her thumbs. "Well...with my magic, it'll make things easier for you. With your expertise, and my magic, we'll be able to help the unfortunate as much as we want!"

   "And what if were to be exposed?" the Phantom Thief asked. "What if people found out you could wield real magic? Especially if they found out you were assisting me, a criminal? They'd know how powerful you are, and therefore, they'd have no choice but to kill you. I...I can't have that happen to you."

   "But...wouldn't they have tried to kill us, anyways...even if I *didn't* have magic?" Himiko asked. 

   "It's possible," the Phantom Thief admitted. "I'm sure the worst for us would only be prison if that were the case. Either way, I've put your life in danger twice, now. Once was already too many times. Not only that, I made you expose a personal secret. I, of all people, should know more than anyone how important privacy is." Himiko looked at him in surprise. She remembered that Kokichi had said something similar earlier that day about him liking his privacy. 

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