Kokichi's Little Friend

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   Kokichi was on his bed, leaning against his pillows while he played with his paddleball until he heard a knock on his and Gonta's bedroom door. 

  "Enter, if you dare!" he called out. The door opened and revealed Himiko, who walked inside. "Hey, HimiCoca-Cola!" Kokichi said cheerfully. Himiko walked over to Kokichi's bed and kissed him on his cheek.

   "Hi, Kokichi," she responded, climbing onto his bed right next to him. "What'cha doin?'"

  "Playing paddleball," Kokichi replied, beating the ball against the paddle. "I'm trying to surpass my own record of 11,037 hits in one sitting!"

   "Nyeeeh...you hit that many?!" Himiko exclaimed.

    "Nee-heehee...nope, that was just a lie!" Kokichi replied. "There's no way I can count that high! I just picked that number randomly!"

   "Oh! Well, what is your record, then?" Himiko asked.

   "Hahaha...53!" Kokichi laughed. Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes. 

   "Nyeh...dork!" she said, shaking her head at him. "Still, I guess that's pretty impressive."

   "Right?!" Kokichi said. "It's really hard to beat that score, but I like it when things are challenging! Except for now..." He threw his paddleball to the corner of the room. "That got kinda boring." He turned to Himiko. "Sooo...what brings you here, my Shama Lama Ding-Dong Bing-Bong Shaman?"

   "Nyeh, I'm not a shaman," Himiko replied with a small frown. Kokichi smiled and teasingly stuck his tongue out at her. "And I'm here to get away from Tenko. She's kinda being annoying again."

   "D'aaww, poor HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi said, ruffling Himiko's hair. "You can stay here as long as you need to, my supreme lady!"

   "Yaaay! Can I take a nap in here?" Himiko asked. Kokichi chuckled and shook his head.

   "Yeah, yeah...just don't get any drool on my pillows like you did last time," he replied, getting off the bed and walking towards his computer. 

   "Okay, I promise not to," Himiko said, getting under Kokichi's blanket, and laying down on his pillows. "Nyeh...something feels weird under this pillow." She fluffed the pillow and laid back down, but something still felt lumpy under the pillow. "What is underneath this thing?!" she muttered in annoyance as she started to lift the pillow.

   "HIMIKO, NO!!!" Kokichi screamed, and jumped onto the pillow before Himiko could lift it.

   "AAH!! WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!" Himiko exclaimed fearfully. 

   "Don't look under there!" Kokichi warned. 

   "W-Why? What's under there?" Himiko stammered.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now