The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (9)

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    "Kaede, did you find what you were looking for?" Hina whispered as Kaede walked up to rejoin them. Kaede didn't respond; her eyes were wide, her lips were shut tight, and her skin was paler than usual. "Whoa! Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hina exclaimed. 

   "Hmm? Oh! Oh, yeah...yeah, I'm fine," Kaede replied. "I, um...I just saw a bug, that's all."

   "W-Was it big?!" Sonia asked fearfully.

   "If it was, I'll squash it!" Hiyoko said. 

  "No, no,'s okay," Kaede said. "It was a small just, kinda...came out of nowhere, is all."

   "What came out of nowhere?" Chi-Chi asked from behind. The other girls turned to see Kokichi and Himiko had finally emerged from the locker room. 

   "Hey! What took you two so long?" Miu asked.

   "Tee-hee...sorry! Himiko just needed a pep talk," Kokichi replied, patting Himiko on the head.

   "Nyeh...thanks, Chi-Chi," Himiko said shyly. "You really helped me."

   *Yeah, I bet,* Kaede thought to herself, feeling disgusted. Despite the fact that she found Kokichi annoying, she didn't think that meant he deserved to be cheated on. She looked away from Himiko, disappointed that she would do something like that to Kokichi. Finally, the game started, and the girls rushed out and began their routine. 

   "H-O-P-E...courage, kindness, loyalty! P-E-A-K...hope moves forward every day! Hope's Peak, Hope's Peak, Hope's Peak Academy! Hope moves forward, strong and free! HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY!!" The girls chanted. The crowd went wild as the girls flipped around and chanted. Suddenly, the basketball players came running out, making the crowd cheer even more. 

   "The Hope's Peak Academy basketball team finally rushes out onto the court!" Chihiro announced. He, along with Chiaki, were the commentators for the game. "It's a good day for basketball, don'tcha think, Chiaki?"

   "Mm-hmm!" Chiaki agreed. "Hope's Peak is playing against the rival team, Dream Summit Academy! They're definitely a force to be reckoned with, especially with their star player, Yuki Yoshida, who's renowned for his famous three-point shots!"

   "And speaking of which, here comes the Dream Summit Academy team!" Chihiro announced as a large group of boys dressed in sky blue jerseys came rushing onto the court. The other side of the gym roared with applause from Dream Summit Academy students who were attending the game. They roared even louder when they noticed a tall, burly kid as he waved to the crowd. The Dream Summit Academy cheerleaders began cheering for their own team, as well. 

   "Huh...they got some cool routines, too," Miu admitted.

   "But, they're not gonna be better than us!" Hina said with determination. 

   "Mos' def!'" Sonia said. "We have the Ultimate Cheerleader on our side! There's no way they can win!"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now