The Earth Kingdom (2)

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    "Does that mean you're going to transform into an Earth Mage, like you transformed into a Water Mage before?" Kokichi asked with a huge grin on his face. Himiko smiled.

   "Nyeh...that's right," she replied. 

   "Do a magical girl transformation!" Kokichi exclaimed excitedly. 

   "Kokichiiii..." Himiko groaned.

  "Oh, come on, pleeeaaaaasssse?" Kokichi pleaded. "You transformed into a magical girl when we went into Kaede's dream and you fought that booger lady, remember?"

  "Yeah, but-" Himiko began.

  "Pweeaase, HimiCocoa Bean? Pwetty Pweeeaaaase?" Kokichi asked with puppy dog eyes. "Right before you transform, you can say something like, 'Earth Mage, go!' or...'Earth Prism Power Makeup!' or, or...wait, what?! Why are you looking at me like that?" Himiko was staring at Kokichi with a smile as if she was trying to stifle a giggle.

  "Nyeh...I didn't know you watch magical girl anime, Kokichi," she said. Kokichi blushed and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

   "I...I don't," he replied. "I mean...I didn't at first, but after we started dating, I kinda...started, y'know...watching some, or whatever." Himiko smiled at him with awe and admiration.

  "Awww, Kokichi," she breathed. "Did I inspire you?!"

   "N-No! I mean...I don't know! Maybe...a little," Kokichi stammered, still blushing. 

   "Oh, Kokichiiii..." Himiko cooed and shyly nuzzled her head against his chest. Kokichi bashfully patted her back.

  "Okay, okay...I love you, too," he mumbled timidly. Himiko backed a few small steps away and smiled at him.

   "Nyeh...okay, Kokichi, I'll do a magical girl transformation," she said. Kokichi broke out into a huge smile. 

   "YIPEEE!!! I can't wait!" he shouted. He backed up to give Himiko some space. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Then, she lifted an open hand over her head. 

    "Ultimate Mage become...Earth Mage!" she called out. In one swift motion, she threw her hat into the air, and with the other she removed her hair clip and tapped the blue gem with her finger, turning it green. She placed it back into her hair, and tossed her head back. Her hair immediately turned a rich, chocolatey brown and flowed elegantly around her head. Then, she opened her eyes, which were now green. She ran two of her fingers across each of her eyelids, where light green eyeshadow appeared. Then, she pressed her fingers against her lips. She blew a kiss, and her lips became the color of a natural, earthy mahogany. 


    She then tapped the blue gems of her cufflinks together, causing her jacket sleeves to disappear, along with the rest of her jacket. The rest of her outfit disappeared and flashed a bright green over her body, and was now replaced with a green, leafy leotard. She made a heart symbol with her hands over the middle of her chest and, with a wink, threw her hands up above her. A pink flower appeared where she had made the heart shape with her hands. A light green veil magically appeared from the flower on both sides and formed its way around Himiko's chest. Magical energy whizzed down Himiko's leotard towards her hips. Himiko thrust her hip to one side, where part of a leafy skirt popped out. Then, she thrust her other hip to the other side, where the second half of the leafy skirt formed. 

   She then waved her arms elegantly. She raised one arm above her, where a vine of leaves began curling its way around her arm. She twisted her body and thrusted the other arm in front of her, causing another vine to wrap around that arm. She leaned back and lifted one of her legs into the air, where her boot disappeared, leaving her barefoot. Yet another vine formed its way around her leg, this time, leaving a pink flower over her ankle. She twirled around and stuck her other leg in front of her as her boot disappeared from that foot, and a vine wrapped around that leg and left a pink flower on that ankle, as well. She then tapped all three flowers on her outfit: the one on her chest, and both on her ankles.  She brought her hands up to the left side of her bangs and parted them to reveal three more flowers, purple, pink, and yellow all stacked against each other. She twirled one more time and clapped her hands together. As she pulled her hands apart from each other, her Guardian Mage staff appeared. Himiko grabbed it, twirled it, and finished her transformation with a pose, followed by her witch hat, which now had a spring green band around it, landing on her head in a cutesy way. 

   ", how was it?" Himiko asked. Kokichi merely stared at her with excitement, his eyes wide and a gaped mouth. 

   "Ah...ah...ah..." he strained. Himiko giggled and walked over to him. She lifted his chin up to close his mouth. "HIMIKO, THAT WAS SO COOL!!!" he screamed. "YOU WERE ALL LIKE...AND THEN YOU WENT...AND THEN THE THING HAPPENED, AND...OH, MY GOD!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A MAGICAL GIRLFRIEND!!!" Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes.

   "I'm not really a magical girl," she said. "I'm just a Guardian Mage."

   "Pffft...after doing that, you are definitely a magical girl, Monkey Buns!!" Kokichi said, throwing his arms around Himiko and giving her a big hug.

   "Wow, if this is how you react to me being a magical girl, I can't imagine what Tenko's reaction would be like," Himiko said. 

    "She doesn't need to know. Mwah!" Kokichi said, still hugging Himiko and giving her small kisses on her cheek. "Only I need to know. Mwah! Because I love you. Mwah!" Himiko giggled bashfully. 

  "Nyeh...okay, okay," she said. "Let's hurry up and go to Terra Viridi." 

   "Are we going there by portal like last time?" Kokichi asked.

   "No, we're gonna do something even cooler," Himiko replied. "Follow me." Himiko led Kokichi outside of the magic room, careful not to be seen by the others. Then, she led him to a puddle. "Nyeh...step in this puddle, and you might wanna hold my hand for this."

   "M'kay," Kokichi said. He and Himiko stepped into the puddle, and Kokichi held her hand in his. Himiko tapped her Guardian Mage staff against the bottom of the puddle, and the two immediately fell through it as if there was a hole beneath them. Kokichi felt as if the whole world itself flipped upside down, because he and Himiko were upside down for a brief second until the world flipped itself right-side up again. Kokichi shook his head in bewilderment. 

   "Whoaaa!! What just happened?!" he exclaimed. 

   "That's puddle travel," Himiko replied. "It's a little tricky and confusing at first. But the important part is getting to where we need to be." Kokichi's rubbed his eyes and blinked to focus them. He let out a small gasp of amazement at the world around him. He and Himiko were now in a sunny, green, magical forest with all sorts of different colors and creatures around him. 

   " Kokich-ey senses are tingling," Kokichi squealed to himself. "I'm gonna have lots of fun here!"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now