Substitute Kokichi (End)

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   The next day, Himiko woke up from a dreary dream. She looked at her clock, which read 2:15 p.m. She sighed heavily as she climbed out of bed. She noticed Tenko wasn't in the room, but she didn't really care. She thought about getting dressed, but all she could do was stare miserably at her closet door. She decided to forego getting dressed, and shuffled silently down the stairs. Even in her sorrowful state, she noticed that it was a little too quiet. She wondered if everyone else was gone until she turned the living room light on. 

   "IT'S A LIE!!!" everyone exclaimed. 

   "NYEH?!?!" Himiko exclaimed in shock. The others were all wearing Kokichi's outfit and wigs that resembled Kokichi's hair. "Wh-What's going on?!" Himiko squeaked.

  "Nee-heehee...I heard that you were lonely without me, HimiCocoa Bean! Sooo...everyone decided to dress up as me!" Kaede said, smiling a Kokichi smile as she placed her hands behind her head. 

   "That's right, Crackerjack!" Kaito said with a cheeky grin. "Nee-heehee...I don't want my supreme lady to feel sad without me, ya know! Cuz I'm Kokichi Ouma, Supreme Leader of the Stars!"

   "Sooo...whaddya say, Monkey Buns?!" Tsumugi asked, trying to be as excited as Kokichi would be. "You can plainly dress up like me, too! Nee-heehee!" Tsumugi handed Himiko a Kokichi outfit that she sewed together herself, along with a Kokichi wig. Everyone stared at her with expectant and excited faces. Himiko broke out into a smile.

   "Nyeh...okay!" she said. "I'll be right back!" She took the clothes and wig from Tsumugi and headed upstairs to change. She came back downstairs and threw her hands behind her head. "Nee-heehee! Let's get this party sssstarted!"

   "YIPEEE!! I'm sooo totes excited!" Angie exclaimed cheerfully. "Nee-heehee! If I were Angie, I'd say Atua is excited, too!"

   "Nee-heehee...Kokichi play pranks on friends today!" Gonta said. "That is what other Kokichi's wanna do, right?"

   "Yes, let us begin the pranking process...nee-heehee," Kirumi said politely. 

   "Right after I choke myself," Maki said, grabbing her own neck. "Nee...cough...hee...cough, cough...heeee!! Just kidding. It's a lie. I would never choke myself. I don't wanna die...y'know?"

  "Woooow, me! That was a really convincing,! " Tsumugi exclaimed to Maki. 

   "Thanks..." Maki replied. "I had a whooole lot of practice being choked."

  "Okay, guys! Let's think! How are we going to prank people today?" Ryoma asked. He put his hands behind his head, but he wasn't smiling. He just had his usual laid-back expression. Kaede cleared her throat at him. "Oh! Um...nee-heehee!" Ryoma added quickly. 

   "I know! We can play ding-dong ditch at 7th Island House! Uh...nee-heehee!" Shuichi suggested. "That's always fun, right?"

  "Instead of ditching, hooow about we shoot whoever answers with water guns?" Rantaro suggested. 

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