The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (End)

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     Finally, it was time for the girls to perform their routine. They were the last team to go on, and they rushed out onto the center of the gym, waiting for the music to begin so they could start their routine. The song "Mickey," by Toni Basil began to start, and Kokichi and the girls began their routine, starting with the Fuji Flips. After the last girl, Himiko, did her flip, the girls immediately transitioned to the Ice Cream Cone, then Seven Little Monkeys, until finally, they finished with the Cheery Blossom Tree with cherry blossoms magically appearing from Himiko's pom-poms at the top. The crowd roared with applause as the girls bowed. The host of the competition walked to the center of the gym as all the cheerleading teams gathered around. 

  "The winner of the country-wide cheerleading competition is..." the host said, pausing to build tension. "...Takiyaki High!" The cheerleaders from Takiyaki High School began to squeal, and jump up and down. "A-hahahaaa...juuust kidding!" the host said. "The actual winner iiissss...HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY!!!" Nobody in the gym cheered, anticipating the host to joke around again. "I'm...actually serious this time. It's Hope's Peak Academy, see?" The host handed a woman nearby the card, and she gave everyone the thumbs-up. The gym then roared with cheers and applause. Confetti and balloons fell from the ceiling.

   "AAAAAHHHHHH!!! WE DID IT!!!" Hina screamed, jumping up and down with tears streaming from her eyes. 

   "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!! WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!!" Hiyoko said, shaking her head like some wild animal.

   " I KNEW THE POWER OF THE NINJA WAS INSIDE OF ME!!!" Sonia screeched as ninja ran around her squad.

   "WE WON CUZ OF MY FABULOUS BOO-BAYS!!!" Miu screamed, rubbing her hands all over her chest.

    "Miu, stop that!" Kaede said, swatting Miu's hand away from her chest. Himiko jumped into Kokichi's arms, and he twirled her around.

   "Nyeh...we did it, Kokichi!!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes. 

   "Hahahahaaa!! Yeah!!" Kokichi replied, lifting his hand for Himiko to high-five him. She high-fived him before the other girls lifted him up. 

  "YAAAY, KOKICHI!!" the girls cheered. Kokichi laughed triumphantly, and pumped his fist into the air.

   "Congratulations, girls!" the host said. "You girls will win a trip to Disneyland, and your school will receive a donation of ¥500,000!" The girls shouted and whooped, still holding Kokichi up high. The crowd in the gym began to disperse, and the girls finally let Kokichi down. When they did, however, they accidentally set him down with such force that he bumped into Himiko, causing her to fall backwards. Her headband fell off of her head, and cracked in the process.

   "Aaahh! Are you okay, Himiko?" Hina asked, helping Himiko up.

    "Nyeh...I'm fine," Himiko groaned. She frantically reached for head. "H-Hey! W-Where's my-"

   "Hey, you dropped your-" Miu began as she picked up the headband. "Hey...this looks familiar." She unraveled the black fabric surrounding the headband. Her eyes then shot wide open as she recognized her invention. Then, she turned to the Himiko angrily, causing Himiko to bite her lip. "Hey, guys! We gotta talk in the locker room, now!" The girls looked at each other in confusion, while Himiko looked at Kokichi with worry. Kokichi merely smiled and shrugged. They all followed Miu into the locker room. 

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