Miu and the Mechanic (1)

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    "Nyeh...no, that's not a good idea for a story," Himiko muttered to herself as she briefly ran her pencil across a piece of paper with scribbles written all over it. It was a cloudy afternoon, and Himiko was bored to tears trying to occupy herself with something to do. Eventually, she ended up writing out her fanfiction ideas in the dining hall, but her boredom was keeping her from coming up with something decent. She sighed as she plopped her head onto her piece of paper. 

   "Make sure not to get your drool on the table," a voice teased from behind her. Himiko lifted her head to see Kokichi leaning on the the back of her chair. She smiled sleepily at him.

   "Hi, Kokichi," she mumbled. Kokichi plopped himself into the chair next to Himiko's.

   "Bored?" he asked. 

   "Yeah, how'd you know?" Himiko asked. 

   "Because I'm bored, too," Kokichi admitted. "Now we can be bored together!" He threw his arms around Himiko, and squished his cheek against hers. 

   "Nyeh...but, you hate being bored," Himiko said.

   "True," Kokichi replied. "But, it's a lot better to be bored with someone else. That way, it'll be easier to come up with ways to not be bored anymore."

   "I guess that's true," Himiko admitted. Kokichi wrapped his arm around Himiko's shoulders, and looked over Himiko's piece of paper with the scribbled ideas.

   "So, what'cha been doing, Monkey Buns?" he asked. 

   "Mmm, just trying to come up with fanfiction ideas," Himiko said. "But, I haven't been able to come up with anything. It's such a pain."

    "You write fanfiction, Himiko?" asked a voice from behind the both of them. They turned to see Miu, who was standing behind Himiko's chair.

   "Yeah, sometimes," Himiko responded. 

   "Ha-ha! Then I know what you should write about!" Miu said.

   "Really? What?" Himiko asked.

   "Here we go," Kokichi muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes.

   "Write a fic where Kokichi becomes a real man, by growing a visible dick," Miu said. "OR, it can be where you leave him to find a real man!"

   "Nyeh...um...I don't think so, Miu," Himiko replied. "I like Kokichi the way he is."

   "Uh-oh, in other words, you're too nice to admit that he's too small for ya," Miu said. 

   "Nee-heehee...that's a lot of talk from someone who's never seen a dick before," Kokichi snickered, giving Miu an evil grin.  

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now