Dead Girls Tell No Tales (9)

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    "So, what ye say our next course o' action be, boyo?" Cap'n Severedlocks asked Kokichi. Kokichi pursed his lips in thought. 

  "Hm...well, I can't exactly come up with a plan until I know exactly what we're up against," he replied. "Is it just Captain BloodRed Himiko that we have to worry about?"

   "Ah, fair point," Cap'n Severedlocks replied, tapping her chin in thought. "No, she has help from her crew aboard The Black Magic."

   "Aye, a wee crew o' three, but a fearsome one it be," Sea Shanty Sayaka added grimly. 

   "The captain of the crew is BloodRed Himiko, o' course," Peko Peko-PegLeg said, holding up one finger.  

    "Aye, BloodRed Himiko be the fiercest pirate we have ever faced," Cap'n Severedlocks said with a nod. "As a young'un, everyone always called her 'Half-Pint Himiko' cuz o' her size, but she resented that. She became one o' the most bloodthirsty pirates that would make e'en the burliest man quiver in 'is boots upon hearin' 'er name. She called herself 'BloodRed Himiko,' a name that would strike fear into the very hearts o' every sailor and their mothers, aye!" 

    "Then ye have Angie the Chiseler," Taeko the Taker said, holding up two fingers. 

   "Why is she called that?" Kokichi asked. 

   "She likes to sculpt as a hobby," Hiyoko the Hooker replied. "But tha' chisel she uses ain't just fer sculptin' stone, me bucko."

   "Nyeh...that's horrible," Himiko said with a shudder.

   "Aye, she's a mad one, she is!" Naptime Nanami exclaimed. "Don't e'en stop to fink, she don't! She chisels the 'eads off o' any bloke or blokette she sets 'er sights on! Nearly chiseled me 'ead off one time when I was takin' a li'l nap on me 'ammock when all o' a sudd'n, she came swoopin' in like a ba' outta 'ell, presses 'er chisel 'gainst me fore'ead, an' right when she was 'bout to swing 'er 'ammer down on the bloody chisel, Swashbucklin' Sonia comes in, an' saves me blinkin' life!" Kokichi and Himiko merely stared in confusion at Naptime Nanami, who had fallen back to sleep as soon as she finished talking. 

   "Uhhhh..." they both mumbled in unison.

  "Hahahahaaaa...long story short, Naptime Nanami had a near-death experience dealin' wit' Angie the Chiseler," Swashbucklin' Sonia explained. "I was the one who ended up savin' 'er in the end!"

   "Ooohhhhh..." Kokichi and Himiko replied, nodding. 

   "An' last, but not least, Tenko TunaBreath!" One-Eye Ibuki said, holding up three fingers. 

   "Ugghh...she be the worst!" Keelhaulin' Hina exclaimed. 

   "Aye, get too close, an' the last thing you'll be smellin' is that foul breath o' 'ers!" Jolly Roger Kaede agreed, crinkling her nose in disgust. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now