Kokichi's New Power (End)

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    Himiko spent the rest of the morning in the pool with her friends. And although they weren't exactly holding a full conversation with Himiko, due to them being hypnotized, Himiko still thought it was nice to hang around with them. She was about to step out to get her glass of lemonade, when she suddenly saw Gonta, Shuichi, Keebo, and Rantaro carrying a royal bed held up by two poles attached to each side. They set it down in front of Himiko.

   "Master Kokichi wishes for you to join him," Rantaro said to Himiko. 

   "Oh! Okay," Himiko replied before turning back to her girlfriends. "Nyeh...I command you all to stay here in the pool, and don't leave, okay?"

   "Oui, mademoiselle Himiko," the girls replied, and sat in circle inside the pool in eerie silence, staring at each other. Himiko propped herself on top of the royal bed before the four boys lifted it back up and walked Himiko to the backyard of Casa V3. Himiko saw Kokichi lying on top of a hammock between two trees. Kiyo stood nearby, fanning Kokichi with a large fan. Ryoma handed Kokichi a plate of cake that Rantaro had baked. Kaito was doing a weird dance that resembled a chicken walking and pecking at its food. 

   "Master Kokichi, we've brought you your queen," Rantaro informed Kokichi. Kokichi's eyes lit up when he saw Himiko.

   "HimiCocoa Bean!" he said, and patted a space in the hammock next to him. "Join me!"

   "Mm...but I'm a little wet," Himiko said, shaking some of the water off of her body. Kokichi merely shrugged.

   "Eh, a little water never hurt anyone," he replied. 

   "Nyeh...okie-dokie, then," Himiko said. Rantaro, Keebo, Shuichi, and Gonta lowered the royal bed a bit so that Himiko could climb into the hammock with Kokichi. 

   "So you decided to have a pool party, huh?" Kokichi asked. Himiko shrugged sheepishly.

   "Yeah...it just didn't feel right having them pamper me," she responded. 

   "Oh...Himiko," Kokichi sighed, kissing the back of Himiko's hand. "You're my queen and you deserved to be treated as such."

   "Yeah, I'm your queen, not theirs," Himiko pointed out with a sassy smile while tossing her hair back. "So, start with the pampering, my king."

   "Oooo...as you wish, ma sorcière chérie," Kokichi murmured seductively, kissing her hand one last time before turning to the other boys. "I command you all to leave us. Wait in the living room until I'm ready to give out more orders."

  "Yes, sir," the boys replied, bowing. Kokichi handed Ryoma the plate of cake and watched as all the boys headed back inside. Kokichi then pulled Himiko closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist. Himiko felt warm and safe in his embrace. Kokichi then draped his cape over himself and Himiko like a makeshift blanket, and pressed his forehead against hers. 

   "Are you enjoying your special day, my queen?" Kokichi asked in a low, soothing voice as he gently caressed Himiko's fingers with his lips. 

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