The Case of the Missing Pop Star (12)

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    Shuichi drove away from the mansion, hoping to catch up to Hibiki. The problem was, however, that he was driving at the speed of a grandma with a cane. He came up to a stop sign, and stopped the car to look both ways.

   "SHUICHI?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Kokichi exclaimed. 

   "Uh...well, I'm looking both ways," Shuichi replied. "I can't break the law just becau-"

   "Park the car!" Kokichi ordered, and stepped out through the passenger door. Shuichi put the car in park as Kokichi slid expertly over the hood and threw open the door to the driver's side. "Get in the passenger seat, Shuichi!" Shuichi sighed and rolled his eyes. 

   "Kokichi, you know you're not supposed to-" he began.

   "NOW!!!" Kokichi commanded. 

   "Y-Yikes!" Shuichi exclaimed, unbuckling his seat belt and hurriedly climbing into the passenger side before Kokichi could bum-rush him there. Kokichi immediately slammed the door shut and sped Kaito's car away, making the tires squeal. He strapped himself in and adjusted his seat as he drove, which helped him drive much better. Because there weren't that many cars on the road, Kokichi was gaining on Hibiki, who was quite a distance away, but still close enough that they could see Michiko's car. 

   "K-Kokichi! You're going a little too fast, don't you think?" Shuichi stammered.

   "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" Kokichi replied sarcastically, drifting expertly around a corner. 

   "Nyeh...go, Kokichi!" Himiko cheered. Then, she lifted herself from her seat to talk to Shuichi. "It'll be okay, Shuichi. Panta Bear knows what he's doing."

   "P-P-Panta Bear?" Shuichi asked fearfully, clutching his seatbelt tightly. 

   "Aw, is that what you call Kokichi?" Sayaka asked Himiko. 

   "Nyeh...yup!" Himiko replied. 

  "KOKICHI!!! YOU'RE GONNA HIT THAT CAR!!" Shuichi screamed, pointing at a car coming right at them.

   "Zip it, Saihara! I know what I'm doing!" Kokichi yelled, swerving expertly around the car. He increased his speed as he drew nearer to Hibiki.

   "Okay, that's it! I'm climbing in the back!" Shuichi said, unstrapping himself and crawled his way into the back seat, sitting between Himiko and Sayaka. 

  "Nyeh...are you scared, Shuichi?" Himiko asked. "You can hold my hand, if you want." Shuichi reached his shaky hand out to hold Himiko's.

   "TOUCH HER AND THE HAND COMES OFF!!!" Kokichi shouted from the front. 

   "Ah, well, um...Sayaka, will you hold my hand, then?" Shuichi asked in a small, quivery voice.

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