The Lie Detector

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    "Kokichi!" Himiko announced triumphantly as she strode into the dining hall. Kokichi looked up from the chocolate cake that he was eating at Himiko, and nodded to her.

    "Hey, ugly!" Kokichi joked. Himiko sat next to him with a confident and smug smile.

   " won't be sounding so sassy when I beat you in 'Two Truths and A Lie!'" she said. 

   "Oh, yeeaahh..." Kokichi said. "You said you were going to practice lying some more. So, what, are you gonna say that your hair is green, now? Nee-heehee!"

   "That's for me to know, and for you to find out!" Himiko replied. Kokichi put his fork down, and faced Himiko.

   "Okie-dokie, then! Give it your best shot, Monkey Buns!" he said. 

   " I go..." Himiko said, putting her game face on. She moved her hair from her face, and cleared her throat. Then, she started shaking her hands. "Mee, mee, mee, MEE, mee, mee, meeeee!!! leather, yellow leather. Red leather, yellow leath-"

   "What are you doing?" Kokichi interrupted.

   "I'm shaking the nerves off, and doing vocal exercises," Himiko said. "If I shake off the nerves, I can act natural easier when I lie. And, the vocal exercises will help me to not stumble through my words when I lie. Don't you do that?"

    "Yeeeaahh, right after I take a ride on my magic carpet with my pet flying pig!" Kokichi replied sarcastically. 

   "Don't give me your sass," Himiko said before taking a deep breath. Then, she stared Kokichi in the face, and opened her mouth to speak. However, no sound came out. Kokichi looked at her expectantly.

   "Weeeeelll...?" he said. 

    "" Himiko squeaked nervously. "Gah, I'm sorry! I'm just so nervous!"

   "I thought you were confident that you could do this," Kokichi said with a smug grin. 

   "I know, I know!" Himiko said. "It's just that...hey! Can you hear a lie?" Kokichi raised a confused brow at her.

   "Huh?" he asked. "What do you mean?"

   "Well, remember when you told me that you can tell when someone is lying if you spot their tell? Like, if they had shifty eyes, or if they fidgeted a lot?" Himiko asked. 

   "Um...yeah," Kokichi replied. 

   "Well, could you tell if someone is lying just by listening to them?" Himiko asked.

   "Of course," Kokichi replied. "A tell doesn't have to be something you can see; you can also tell a person is lying if the tone of their voice changes. That's one way, anyway."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now