Cape Pop

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    "Nyeh...Kokichi!!" Himiko called as she knocked on Kokichi and Gonta's bedroom door. No matter how many times she knocked, Kokichi didn't respond. 

  "Hey, Himiko," a voice said from behind her. Himiko whirled around to see Rantaro. "Kokichi's not here. I don't know where he went, but he said he wouldn't be back for a while."

  "Nyeh? When did he leave?" Himiko asked.

   "About an hour ago," Rantaro replied. Himiko hung her head in sadness.

   "But I'll get so lonely without him," she mumbled. 

   "Haha, don't worry. I'm sure he'll come back soon," Rantaro said, ruffling Himiko's hair. "Wanna come with me, Kaede, and Shuichi? We're going out to eat." Himiko shook her head.

   "No," she replied. "I'll just take a nap in Kokichi's bed. That way, I'll at least wake up to him being here."

  "Alrighty, then," Rantaro said with a smile. "Take care, li'l sis." He patted her shoulder goodbye before leaving as he turned the corner. Himiko sighed heavily as she entered Kokichi and Gonta's room. Even Gonta's absence made their room much lonelier. She uttered a melancholy groan as she climbed into Kokichi's bed. Right when she was about to shut her eyes, however, she noticed Kokichi's supreme leader cape and hat hanging on a coat rack. She gasped with excitement as she hopped out of the bed, and ran up to the cape and hat. Before she could get her hands on them, she paused.

   "Oh...Kokichi doesn't want me to wear his cape and hat," she muttered to herself. "Only the supreme leader gets to wear them." She looked at the cape and hat that seemed if they were beckoning her to wear them. "Ooooo...they're calling out to meeeee..." she squealed. "Nyeh...okay! I'll wear them for a few seconds, then take them off!" She reached for them, only to pause once more. "OH!! They would look better on me with my supreme lady outfit!" she exclaimed. She ran upstairs to her and Tenko's room. She slipped on her supreme lady dress and boots, grabbed a tall mirror, and rushed downstairs back to Kokichi and Gonta's room. She placed the mirror near the coat rack, and grabbed the cape and hat. She clipped the cape around her neck where it flowed elegantly past her shoulders. The end of the cape lay behind her like a stylish, black carpet. She then placed the hat onto her head, and looked at herself in the mirror. She gasped in delight at what she saw.

   "Oh, my!" she exclaimed. Then, she put on her best authoritative face, and held the side of the cape up to her chest. "Nyeh...I am Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Supreme Leader," she said in a regal voice. "Bow before me, peasants!" She then let out a giggle before turning her body at different angles. "Ooo! Nyeh...yeah, that's my good side!" she said. She then began making poses like a supermodel. "That's right! Uh-huh! Work it! Work it!" She walked away from the mirror, turned back around, and began doing her best supreme leader/supermodel strut, finishing with a pose. "Eeeeeeee...I love this cape!" she squealed, wrapping herself in it. Then, she wrapped it across the bottom half of her face, and raised her eyebrow.

   "Bleh! I am Supreme Leader Dracula!" she said in a Transylvanian accent. "I've come to suck your blood and take over your land!" She giggled before doing a superhero pose.

   "Nyeh! I'm Superman!" she said, thrusting her fists on her hips. "I remembered to wear my underwear on the inside today!" Then, she lifted her arms, which lifted the cape so that its reflection in the mirror was blocking the rest of the room's reflection.

   "NYEH...I'M BATMAN!!! YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!" she said. As soon as she lowered her arms, she noticed Kokichi in the reflection right beside her. "AAAAHHHH!!!" she screeched. She turned to look at him, who was crossing his arms disapprovingly at her. "AHH!! Kokichi!! I didn't know you were...I mean, I thought you were...I didn't...I wasn't..." She looked sheepishly at Kokichi, who kept his stern eyes on her. 

   "Supreme Lady!" Kokichi commanded. Himiko stood at attention, folding her hands obediently in front of her. "My cape, please," Kokichi said, keeping his arms crossed. Himiko gingerly removed the cape from her shoulders, then wrapped it around Kokichi's. "And my hat," Kokichi said. Himiko removed his hat, and placed it onto his head. "You know the rules, right?"

   "Yes, Supreme Leader," Himiko answered.

  "Only the Supreme Leader wears the cape and hat," Kokichi enunciated.

   "Yes, Supreme Leader," Himiko replied.

   "Good," Kokichi said, then gestured towards the bedroom door. "You are dismissed." Himiko grabbed the sides of her skirt, then curtsied for Kokichi before grabbing the mirror and leaving the room. When she exited, she blushed and smiled. 

   "Eee...he looks so hot in that cape and hat!" she squealed quietly to herself. "And I love when he acts all 'supreme leader-y!'" Carrying the mirror, she skipped happily back upstairs to her and Tenko's room. 


Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now