Dead Girls Tell No Tales (6)

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   "Of course! 'Ow could we 'ave forgotten 'bout the bloomin' Ring?!" Naptime Nanami exclaimed before going right back to sleep on Peko Peko-Pegleg's shoulder. 

   "Looks like we lucked out, after all!" One-Eye Ibuki said, dancing around. 

  "Nyeh? What ring are you guys talking about?" Himiko asked. 

   "I'm glad ye asked, girlie," Cap'n Severedlocks said. "Take it away, Sea Shanty Sayaka!" Jolly Roger Kaede played a few notes on her accordion before Sea Shanty Sayaka began singing:

  "Oooohhhh...lemme tell ye 'bout a tale

   'Bout a tale o' two Rings!

   One brings hope

   And despair the other brings!

   We, aboard The Scurvy Lass,

   Sailed off to find the Hope 'N' Despair,

   But little did we know that day

  That we were bein' followed there!

   Yo-ho! Yo-ho! 

   The Rings will rid us of our woe!

   The curse will lift and the fog will shift,

   To the heavens, we will go!

   Hidden deep inside a cave 

   Behind a waterfall

   Were the Hope 'N' Despair 

  Hidin' up there

  On top o' a rock wall

  But before our fellow shipmate 

  Could e'en snatch 'em away

  She felt a blade go through 'er eye

  An' lost half 'er sight that day!

 Yo-ho! Yo-ho!

The Rings will rid us of our woe!

The curse will lift and the fog will shift,

To the heavens, we will go!

Cap'n BloodRed Himiko 

Snatched the Ring o' Despair away!

A fight did ensue 

Between my and her crew

An' on us, a curse did she lay!

  But before she could take the Ring o' Hope

  The cave began to flood!

  The water flushed all of us back out to sea

  Nipping our plan in the bud!

  So, BloodRed's quest to find The Hope

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now