Romeo and Juliet (6)

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     ", what do we do, first?" Himiko asked Kokichi the next day at school. It was breakfast time, and Kokichi and Himiko were discussing their plan. 

   "Hmhmm...first, we start getting rid of the first Romeo and Juliet: Makoto and Sonia," Kokichi replied, looking around the cafeteria. "See them anywhere?"

   "Sonia is sitting at a table with Ibuki, Mikan, and Chiaki," Himiko said, pointing at the Ultimate Princess. 

   "Hm...and Makoto is sitting with Hajime, Hina, and Sakura," Kokichi mumbled, stroking his chin in thought. "We need them to be alone for this phase of the plan to be set in motion." He then turned to Himiko. "Okay, Himiko, here's what we'll do. We've got a lot of work here, me and you. The souls of your friends you and I will claim! You've got the body, and I've got the brain!"

   "NYEH!!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Himiko exclaimed.

  "Nee-heehee...sorry! It's from some 80s song I was listening to today," Kokichi replied. "Anywaaay...we'll split things up, okay? Since you're not comfortable with lying..."

   "Or good at it," Himiko  mumbled, twiddling her fingers.

  " can take care of Makoto and Rantaro," Kokichi finished, patting Himiko's hand. "And I'll take care of the girls."

  "Well...that seems okay," Himiko said, feeling a bit relieved. "Can I be there when you convince Sonia to not play Juliet, just so I can get an idea of how we're going to do this?"

  "Sure, Crackerjack!" Kokichi replied, stroking Himiko's cheek. Himiko smiled. 

  "Okay!" she said, feeling a lot better. 


  Lunchtime arrived, and Kokichi and Himiko decided to use this time to speak to Sonia. They spied her walking by herself on the way to her locker to put her books away. Smiling, Kokichi took Himiko's hand in his, and led her to Sonia at her locker. 

  "Hey, Sonia!" he said cheerfully. Sonia turned to see Kokichi and Himiko, and smiled happily at them.  

   "Hello, Kokichi! Hello, Himiko!" Sonia replied. "How are you two today?"

   "Oh, we're doing great!" Kokichi replied. "But, probably not as great as you! We heard you got the part for Juliet! Congratulations, Sonia! I knew you could do it!"

   "Oh, thank you, Kokichi!" Sonia gushed. "I've never been so happy in my entire life! I've always *dreamed* of being Juliet if I ever got the chance. It was my second goal after coming to Japan!"

   "I see, I see," Kokichi replied. Then, he shook his head apologetically. "But, that's too bad, Sonia. I'm happy for you, but I'd be afraid if I were you." Sonia looked concerned.

   "Why do you say that?" she asked in a quiet voice. 

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