Psycho Saihara (End)

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    "KOKICHIIIIIIII!!!!" Himiko wailed at the top of her lungs, tears streaming from her eyes. Shoving past the other girls, she rushed into the kitchen.

   "HIMIKO!!" Tenko exclaimed, reaching out to grab her, but Himiko evaded her grasp. In a fit of rage and anguish, Himiko tackled Shuichi to the ground, and began pounding her fists down on him with all her might. 

   "HOW DARE YOU!!" she screeched, trying to claw at his face as Shuichi struggled to hold her back. 

   "Himiko...urgh! Himiko...stop! W-Wait!" he was saying, but Himiko wasn't listening. 

   "I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!" Himiko sobbed. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!" Blind with fury, she reached for a knife from the knife holder, and held it over Shuichi.

   "WHOA, HIMIKO!! STOP!!" Shuichi begged with sudden fear in his eyes. "It's not real! It's not real!"

   "YOU'RE GOING TO WISH THAT YOU WERE NEVER REAL!!" Himiko shouted. Suddenly, Himiko felt an arm around her waist, and a firm grip over her wrist of the hand that was holding the knife.

   "Put the knife back, Himiko," a calm, but familiar voice said. In complete and utter shock, Himiko turned to see Kokichi standing right next to her. 

   "'re alive?" Himiko asked in a quiet, shaky voice. 

   "Yeah. Everything's okay," Kokichi replied. Sobbing in relief, Himiko threw her arms around Kokichi. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...Himiko!" Kokichi said, slowly releasing Himiko's grip from his body. He gently removed the knife from Himiko's shaky hand, and put it back into the holder. "Okay, now you can hug me." Again, Himiko threw her arms around Kokichi, and held him as tight and close as she could. Kokichi wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. 

   " going on here?" Maki demanded furiously.

    "GOTCHA!!!" exclaimed Kokichi, Shuichi, and the other boys, who had been hiding in the dining hall the whole time. Kaito turned the kitchen light back on.

   "Wait...was this all just a prank?!" Kaede asked incredulously. 

    "That's right, 88!" Kokichi replied cheekily. 

    "WHAT?!" Miu shouted. "One of you limp noodles better explain what's goin' on here, right now, before I start knockin' some heads off!"

   "We've been planning on pranking you girls for a while, now," Kaito said. 

   "That's right. We've just been waiting for the right moment," Kiyo added.

    "And the right kind of prank," Keebo chimed in. 

   "We didn't exactly come up with any good ideas, that is...until we finally got Kokichi involved," Ryoma added. 

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