Tenko's Little Secret (3)

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   "A makeover?" Tenko asked thoughtfully. "Well...okay, then! What should I wear?"

   "Nee-heehee...a paper bag over your head!" Kokichi snickered. Himiko swatted at him.

   "No!" she scolded, then turned to Tenko. "Hmm...maybe something classy. Nyeeeh...I'm not sure what Rantaro likes. Maybe I should have talked to him about that."

  "Well, if he said he'd consider dating Tenko, she probably won't need that much of a makeover," Kokichi replied. "He seems okay with her appearance...though he's probably blind," he added, muttering the latter part under his breath.

   "But if I show him how pretty I look, it'll make him want me more!" Tenko said. 

   "Pfftt...wow, you must reeaaalllly like Rantaro for you, of all people, to say something like that," Kokichi said. 

   "I can't help it!" Tenko wailed. "He's...weakened me!!"

  "Hahaha, you can't weaken what was never strong to begin with!" Kokichi teased. 

  "Nyeh...Tenko, can you excuse us for a few seconds?" Himiko said, grabbing Kokichi's arm and pulling him out of the room. "Kokichi! You said you wouldn't be mean to Tenko!"

   "It's her fault!" Kokichi countered. "She keeps saying things that makes it hard for me to not say something snarky afterwards! You know what that does to a guy who can't...ugh...snark?!"

   "Tenko promised not to call you degenerate male, anymore," Himiko said. "And she's keeping her promise. You should do the same, too."

   "Aw, maaaaan! But-" Kokichi whined.

  "Supreme lady's orders!" Himiko said, pointing a commanding finger at him.  

   "Fiiiiiiine!" Kokichi pouted and crossed his arms. "I never get to do anything fun! Everything's so boring all the time! I'm the supreme leader of evil! I should do whatever I want! Hmph!" he muttered to himself as he stomped grumpily back into the room with Himiko behind him. 

   "Okay, we're back," Himiko said to Tenko. 

   "So, what should be my new look?" Tenko asked.

  "Nyeh...well, I agree with Kokichi," Himiko said, looking at Kokichi, who stuck his tongue out at her. Himiko ignored him and continued explaining. "You don't need to change your appearance that much. Maybe if you dressed a bit more...casually and elegant? I think that would be okay."

   "Casual, yet elegant...got it!" Tenko said, nodding. "I-Is that good, Kokichi?"

  "Whatever helps you shit at night," Kokichi replied grouchily. Himiko looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him to get along with Tenko. Kokichi softened up a bit and sighed. "Okay, okay...yeah, that's fine." 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now