Pyramid Scheme (End)

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   "S-Sinking?!" Kaito exclaimed. "Well, how do we get outta here?!" Himiko closed her eyes for a brief moment, focusing on the vibrating magic beneath her feet. It led, yet again, through the tunnel with the beetles.

   "Nyeh...follow me!" Himiko said, rushing towards the room with the beetles.

   "AAAUUUGHHH...not the damn beetles, AGAIN!" Miu yelled. The scarab beetles, however, had run off due to the pyramid sinking. As they ran through the tunnels, more sand came pouring in. They ran through the exploded wall and up to the wall with the hieroglyphs written on it.

   "Dead end!!" Kaito exclaimed. 

   "No!" Himiko replied firmly, and reached her hand out to touch the wall. The wall glowed and slid to the side, revealing a secret passageway with a staircase inside. "C'mon!" Himiko said, running ahead.

   "Haha! Way to go, Himiko!" Kokichi cheered before running after her. The others followed behind. The pyramid shook more violently as it sank deeper into the ground. Debris began falling from above them.

  "EEK!" Miu shrieked, dodging a falling rock. Up and up and up they went as the pyramid sank. Finally, Himiko saw an opening at the very top. 

   "There!" she shouted. She crawled out of the pyramid and jumped out onto the sand, followed by Kokichi, Miu, Kiyo, then Kaito. They all dropped onto the hot sand and turned around in stunned silence as they watched the entire pyramid sink completely into the sand. Everyone just sat there for a few minutes, trying to process what just happened. Kiyo was the first to speak.

   " did you know about that secret passageway?" he asked. 

   "Um, you know...just a feeling," Himiko replied with a shrug. 

   "I'm startin' to wonder that maybe you really do have magic!" Miu said. 

   "Nonsense," Kiyo said. "Perhaps my theory about Himiko being related to Queen Yuwanapisami was correct, and that her spirit was possessing Himiko."

   "So...we were basically inside a...a...HAUNTED PYRAMID?!" Kaito screamed. "THERE WAS A G-GHOST IN THERE THE ENTIRE T-TIME?!"

   "That is my theory," Kiyo said. "Please, forgive me, Himiko, but I simply cannot believe your magic had anything to do with it."

   "Nyeh...that's fine," Himiko replied. "I'm too tired to argue back."

   "Now that's how you know Himiko is back to normal!" Miu said. She held her hand up for Himiko to high five. Himiko smiled sleepily at Miu and high fived her. 

    "Glad to have you all back to normal, Stinky Butt!" Kokichi said, ruffling Himiko's hair and kissing her cheek. 

   "Yeah, I feel better," Himiko said. "But I'm really sleepy, so...can we just go home, already?" 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now