Operation: Talk To Kokichi (Failed...Sorta)

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       *A follow-up to the previous story...again. XD*

  Himiko was sitting at a table in the cafeteria during breakfast, nervously tapping the table with her fingers. Halfway across the cafeteria sat Kokichi, who was laughing and chatting with Ibuki and Angie right next to him. Himiko couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy towards Angie and  Ibuki. They seemed to get along well with Kokichi, and they were a lot prettier and cooler than she was.

   "Hey, Himiko!" came Hina's cheerful voice. Himiko turned to see her, Celeste, and Chiaki. "Mind if we sit here?" 

   "It's fine, go ahead," Himiko mumbled sadly. 

   "Why do you sound so sad?" Chiaki asked. Himiko pointed across the cafeteria at Kokichi talking to Angie and Ibuki.

   "Ohhh, I see!" Hina said. 

   "You are worried that Kokichi might have feelings for either Angie or Ibuki, yes?" asked Celeste. Himiko nodded. 

   "I wouldn't worry about that," Chiaki said. "Kokichi likes hanging out with them sometimes because they're silly like he is, I think." 

   "Yeah, I don't think you have anything to worry about, Himiko!" Hina chimed in. 

   "So...are you going to talk to him like you said you would?" Celeste asked. Himiko began rocking back and forth nervously.

   "Nyeh...yeah...I guess," she replied. 

   "Why are you fidgeting around like that?" Hina asked.

   "B-Because I'm so nervous!" Himiko exclaimed. "Just the th-thought of talking to him makes me feel nauseous! I...I even think my butt is starting to sweat!"

   "Calm down, Himiko," Hina said, putting a comforting hand on Himiko's shoulder. "He's just a boy, after all."

   "Nyeh...he's not just a boy! He's an adonis in a checkered scarf!" Himiko sighed dreamily. The other girls turned to look at Kokichi, who they could now see was sticking two straws up his nose, and making goofy faces as Ibuki and Angie laughed out loud. 

   "Um...no, no...he's just a boy," Hina insisted. "You have nothing to worry about, Himiko."

   "I agree with Hina," Celeste said. "Talking to Kokichi should be...quite easy." The bell signaling for 1st period then rang. The girls stood up.

   "Well, good luck, Himiko," Chiaki said, smiling at Himiko.

    "Yeah! Most importantly, have fun!" Hina said. 

   "Always keep in mind that the boy you have a crush on just stuck two straws up his nose," Celeste said. "That should alleviate any stress you feel right now."

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