Substitute Kokichi (1)

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   "M-Make sure you...c-call me when you g-get there...okay?" Himiko said to Kokichi as she sniffled through her tears. She and Kaito were at the airport in Tokyo to see Kokichi off. He had to take care of "supreme leader business" in London, England. 

   "You got it, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi replied, wiping Himiko's tears. 

   " you have everything you need?" Himiko asked quietly. "Did you remember to pack your deodorant? You forgot it last time."

   "Yup! I remembered," Kokichi said. 

  "Um...did you pack your grape gum and lollipops for the flight?" Himiko asked. Kokichi reached into his backpack and pulled out some grape-flavored gum and lollipops. 

  "Haha, right here!" he said. "No popped ears for me on this flight!" Himiko nodded. Then she leaned in to whisper to Kokichi.

   "Did you bring Uma-chan?" she asked.

   "He's also in my backpack," Kokichi whispered back, giving Himiko a grateful wink. Himiko gave him a small, sad smile.

  "Well...I guess you're all set then," she said. She wrapped her arms around Kokichi as more tears streamed from his eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, Kokichi." Kokichi wrapped his arms around Himiko and gently rocked her. 

   "Haha, why do you sound like you'll never see me again?" Kokichi joked. "I'll be okay." 

   "Nyeh...speaking of which," Himiko whispered. She reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out a golden necklace with a purple gem. "Take off your scarf," she said to Kokichi. Kokichi removed his scarf. Himiko wrapped the necklace around his neck and tucked the purple gem safely under his shirt. "It's a good luck charm," she whispered to him, looking him in the eye. "It'll protect you no matter what happens."

   "Ah, I see," Kokichi replied with a wink as he put his scarf back on. He understood that she was talking about her magic. "Thanks, Himiko." Himiko nodded and tried to give Kokichi her best brave smile, but her mouth quivered as more tears fell down her cheeks. Once again, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

   "I love you," she said in a shaky whisper.

   "I love you, too," Kokichi replied, hugging her back. He lifted her chin and gave her a few soft kisses. He then pulled away from her slowly to board his flight. "See you when I get back, yeah?"

   "Okay," Himiko said quietly, waving goodbye with sadness. She watched as he waved back and left through the jet bridge to board the plane. She sat down on a chair next to the window, watching in sorrowful silence as the tug pushed the plane backwards in order for it to taxi across the runway. She watched as the plane took off from the runway and into the gloomy gray sky. She watched and watched until it faded away into the clouds and out of sight. 


   The drive back home was drenched in a melancholy silence, aside from Himiko's sniffling. Kaito felt bad for Himiko, but he was also surprised. He never knew someone could care so much for someone like Kokichi. He figured Kokichi must be doing something right for Himiko to feel such a way about him. He didn't know exactly what to do, but he at least wanted to make her feel better.

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