Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(11)

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     When Himiko opened her eyes, she noticed the Phantom Thief right next to her, who was kneeling on the ground, and slowly looking around as if he were in a state of shock and disbelief. They were back in Himiko's backyard, away from Shuichi and Kyoko. When the Phantom Thief realized this, he started to laugh in joy and surprise.

  "Ha...haha...Himiko, that was amazing! That was brilliant!" he said, springing to his feet. He grabbed Himiko by her waist, and twirled her around. " really *are* magic!"

   "Nyeh...told ya," Himiko replied shyly as she blushed. Suddenly, the Phantom Thief let go of her, and hung his head as he backed away. He seemed to rub his arm with guilt. "What's...wrong?" Himiko asked.

  "No...nothing," the Phantom Thief replied quietly. Then, he lifted his head to face Himiko. "Himiko, thank you for helping me retrieve your classmate's teddy bear. I should go return it to her."

  "Oh! Well...should I come with you?" Himiko asked. 

   "No," the Phantom Thief said. "You've helped more than enough tonight. I don't want to put you in any more possible danger."

   "Oh, but it's oka-" Himiko began, but the Phantom Thief gently put his finger to Himiko's lips. 

   "Thank you, Himiko," he said. "I can take care of this on my own. Get some rest, yeah? Good love." Before Himiko could say anything else, the Phantom Thief bowed elegantly to her, then swiftly hopped over the backyard fence, leaving the confused and crestfallen Himiko wondering if she had said or done anything wrong. 


   The next morning in the cafeteria, Himiko sat forlornly in her seat, thinking about how abruptly the Phantom Thief left her alone in her backyard. She had been tossing and turning in her bed all night, wondering why he had left so suddenly. 

   "Himiko, why do you look so sad?" Angie asked as she sat down and placed her breakfast tray on the table. 

  "It was that degenerate, Kokichi, wasn't it?" Tenko growled, sitting next to Angie. Himiko gasped.

   "Kokichi!" she exclaimed, finally coming out of her funk. "I can ask him!"

   "Huh?! Ask him what?!" Tenko demanded. 

   "Nyeh?'s nothing," Himiko mumbled as she stood up to leave. Tenko blocked Himiko's way with a concerned look on her face.

   "Himiko, I really think you should stay away from him!" she said. "I feel like he'd be a bad influence on you!"

   "I'm fine, Tenko...really!" Himiko said, trying to evade Tenko.

   "No, Himiko! I'm not letting you go!" Tenko said, blocking every path Himiko was trying to use. "At least...not until you tell us why you keep wanting to hang around him." Himiko glared at Tenko, but Tenko folded her arms and stood her ground.

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