The Child Star (End)

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    When Kokichi and Himiko came downstairs, Himiko gasped with delight at her favorite actress standing in front of her with her bodyguard. 

   "Oh, my gosh! It's really you!" Himiko squealed. 

   "Mm-hmm! That's right," Haruna replied haughtily as she removed her sunglasses. She twirled one of her long, brown pigtails as she looked at Himiko. "So...Kimiko is your name, right?"

   "Nyeh...actually, it's Himiko," Himiko corrected. "Oh! But, I do have a little sister named Kimi-"

   "Whatever!" Haruna interrupted. "What have you got planned for me, today?" Himiko looked a bit shocked. She shot Kokichi a quick glance, who gave her a brief shrug. 

   "Well, um...what would you like to do, Haruna?" Himiko asked in a small voice.

   "First of all, don't call me Haruna!" Haruna answered rudely. Then, she gave Himiko a haughty smile. "I actually just came back form Spain, where my adoring fans called me 'Harunita!' Sounds cute, right? So, call me that instead."

   ", okay. I'm sorry, Harunita," Himiko mumbled. Haruna rolled her eyes, and scoffed as she flipped her hair back. 

   "So, what is there to do in this boring city?" she asked. 

   "Nyeh...well, I can take you to-" Himiko began.

   "Ugh...why do you make that stupid noise?! What is that?!" Haruna spat. "What's 'nyeh?' Are you some kind of experiment gone wrong?!"

   "Hey! That's really rude!" Himiko replied. 

   "What else is new?" Haruna said, waving her hand dismissively at Himiko before checking her phone. "Can we hurry up and get this over with?"

   "Hey! We can go to an ice cream parlor down the street, if you want," Kokichi offered. 

    "Um...who are you?" Haruna asked Kokichi in a snobby manner.

    "I'm Himiko's boyfriend," Kokichi answered. 

   "Pfff...I'm surprised someone like her has a boyfriend," Haruna muttered to herself. Himiko looked hurt. "Ugh! Whatever! Let's just go to the stupid ice cream parlor, and get this day over with!" She turned to her bodyguard. "Let's go, already, Budo," she said, and waltzed right out the front door with her bodyguard behind her. Himiko just stood there, dumbfounded.

   "I...can't believe this," she mumbled. "My favorite actress is a horrible person."

   "Good!" Kokichi replied. Himiko gave him an incredulous look.

   "What do you mean 'good?!'" she exclaimed. "The girl that I thought was cool is actually a...a...BRAT, like you said earlier!"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now