The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (4)

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    Later that day, after school, Himiko was waiting in the gym while Kokichi changed into his disguise. She was waiting underneath the bleachers, as instructed by Kokichi, so she wouldn't be seen by anyone else. A few minutes passed when Kokichi finally met up with her in his disguise. 

   "Nee-heehee...sooo, how do I look?" he asked, casually putting his hands behind his head. 

   "Nyeh...with your eyes," Himiko joked. Kokichi laughed out loud.

   "Good one, Monkey Buns!" he said. "A-haha...but, seriously..."

   "You definitely look like a girl with a lot of pep," Himiko said with a nod. 

   "Hmhmhmm...excellent," Kokichi chuckled, mischievously tapping his fingertips together. "Soon, you and I will be on our way to Disneyland! And I'll finally be able to get that hug from Mickey! Mwa-hahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!"

  "Nyeh...did you need to laugh evilly right there?" Himiko asked. "It doesn't sound very evil to give Mickey Mouse a hug."

   "That's not what I was laughing evilly about," Kokichi said. "I was laughing at us duping the boneheads into thinking that I'm the Ultimate Cheerleader."

   "Ooohhh...okay, I got it," Himiko replied. 

    "Good!" Kokichi said, giving Himiko a cheeky grin, followed by a quick kiss on her cheek. "Let's go, HimiCocoa Bean! I'm sure they're expecting us, right now!" Kokichi and Himiko made their way to the field where the other girls were practicing their routine for the basketball game in two days. 

   "Nyeh....hey, everyone! We're here!" Himiko called out to them. 

   "Hey!" Kaede said as she and the other girls ran up to meet Himiko and Kokichi. Kaede looked at Kokichi. "Hi! You must be the new girl, the Ultimate Cheerleader?"

   "Ee-yeeaah...that's, like, totally right!" Kokichi replied in a ditzy voice. Himiko folded her lips inward to keep herself from laughing. 

   "Cool! What's your name?" Hina asked.

   "My name, my name, my name is Kichiko! The 'bestest' cheerleader this side of the Pacifico! IIIIII'm Kichiko Amuo!" Kokichi cheered as he shook his pom-poms, and jumped into the air, finishing with a split. The other girls gasped in delight and astonishment, and began to clap.

   "That was wonderful, Kichiko!" Sonia exclaimed, jumping up and down.

   "Oh, puh-lease, no need to be so formal!" Kokichi replied, waving his pom-pom nonchalantly at Sonia. "Call me 'Chi-Chi' cuz I love to chi-chi-cheer!" 

   "Oh! Well, that was wonderful, Chi-Chi!" Sonia said. 

   "Yeah! You may not have any tits, like Hiyoko and Himiko, but that doesn't mean you can't be captain of our squad!" Miu chimed in. 

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