Dead Girls Tell No Tales (14)

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    With her peg leg blade, Peko-PekoPegleg swiped both the jewel and dagger out of Cap'n BloodRed Himiko's hands, making her cry out in surprise. Kokichi used this opportunity to grab Cap'n BloodRed Himiko's arms and pin them behind her around one of the ship's masts. 

   "Stinkypants! Help me out here!" he said. Using her sewing thread, Stinkypants Tsumugi expertly tied Cap'n BloodRed Himiko's hands together extra tight. Kokichi snickered as he picked up the red jewel and gave Cap'n BloodRed Himiko a sly grin. "Gotcha," he murmured as the other pirates began cheering.

   "Nyeerrgghhh...I don't understand," Cap'n BloodRed Himiko growled, struggling to free herself. "How...urgh...did ye...know?"

   "I can always tell when someone is lying," Kokichi replied. "Besides, a greedy, power-hungry pirate like you would only want this jewel all to yourself. Buuut, you're so greedy that you didn't bother to think that I was lying to you this whole time about Odin's Eye." Cap'n BloodRed Himiko narrowed her eyes at Kokichi.

   " lied to me?" she hissed.

   "That's right, Crackerjack," Kokichi replied smugly, pinching Cap'n BloodRed Himiko's cheek. "I was lying to you the entire time. Too bad for you, though, I knew you were going to stab me in the back once you had this jewel in your grubby, little hands. So, I got some backup from my friends on The Scurvy Lass."

   "I thought ye were their prisoner!!" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko spat. 

   "Again, that was a lie!" Kokichi said, sighing with exasperation. "Geez, pay attention, Evil HimiCocoa Bean!"

   "What did ye call me?" Cap'n BloodRed Himiko growled. "Ye dare to make fun o' me name?!"

   " you not like that nickname?" Kokichi teased. "Then, how about...half-pint? " Cap'n BloodRed Himiko gritted her teeth as her anger began to rise. Her face reddened and her eyes were like two pits of bubbling magma. She started breathing heavily like a volcano about to erupt.

   "Don't...EVER....CALL ME THAAAAT!!!" she screamed. Her fury was so intense that a burst of black energy from the Ring of Despair emitted around her, causing Kokichi and the other pirates flying backwards and crashing into the walls, the cabin, and barrels . The thread that was wrapped around Cap'n BloodRed Himiko's wrists had immediately disintegrated. Kokichi had flown into some barrels. He shook his hair to clear any debris from it. When he looked up, he saw Cap'n BloodRed Himiko standing before him with black energy swirling around her. Her eyes were glowing red. She pointed both the Rings on her fingers at Kokichi. "Ye may have deceived me, but I'll make sure that'll be the last lie ye ever told!" Black energy swirled around the Ring of Despair until a powerful beam ejected from it, right towards Kokichi. 

   "NYEH...THINK AGAIN!!" came a voice from the fog. Himiko emerged in front of Kokichi just in time to block the black energy from him using the Ring of Hope. Cap'n BloodRed Himiko looked at her right finger in shock, then at Himiko with even more shock.

  "Blow me down..." she muttered in a stunned whisper. "What sorcery is this?"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now