The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (3)

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    The next morning, before school, the cheerleading squad had gathered in the field with Junko making them run their daily warm-ups. 

   "Okay, everyone, let's form a pyramid!" she said. The other girls groaned. 

   "Do we have to?" Hiyoko whined. "I'm all hot and sweaty, and it's not even seven o' clock, yet! And I'm hungry!"

   "Yes, you have to!" Junko said. "Because if you don't, I'll tell everyone that you need Mahiru to help you get-"

   "Okay, okay, okay! I'll do it!" Hiyoko said. "Just...shut up!"

   "Okay, you guys know what to do!" Junko said. "Kaede, Miu, Hina, and Sayaka are at the base; Hiyoko and Sonia are in the middle; and I, of course, will be at the top! And ready, and set, and go!" Kaede, Miu, Hina, and Sayaka began the routine off with a bunch of cartwheels and flips, and ended with a split as they held up their arms. Next, Hiyoko and Sonia cartwheeled and flipped onto Miu and Hina's hands, each holding one flat palm up high to catch Junko. As Junko was getting ready to flip onto the highest part of the pyramid, Kokichi and Himiko snuck behind a tree that was standing in the field. Grinning sinisterly, Kokichi picked up a small rock.

   "Nyeh...what's that for?" Himiko asked, eyeing the rock warily.

   "Nee-heehee...this is the part where that pyramid comes toppling down," Kokichi replied, casually tossing the rock up and down in the palm of his hand. Junko flipped her way to the top of the pyramid, and finished with her arm up high like the Statue of Liberty holding her torch.

   "Ta-daaaaa!!!" she exclaimed. Chuckling evilly, Kokichi reared his arm back, and with a mighty swing, he launched the rock from his hand, sending it hurtling towards Junko's back. 

   "GYARK!!" Junko exclaimed in pain as the rock hit her directly in her spine. As expected, the pyramid toppled, but instead of Hiyoko getting hurt, as well, like Kokichi had wanted, a different cry of pain shot out across the field. 

   "My leg!!" Sayaka exclaimed, tears flowing from her eyes. Junko had fallen onto her, twisting her leg in the process. 

    "Quick, quick! Someone call an ambulance!" Kaede ordered as she tended to Sayaka, pushing Junko off of her body.

    "AMBULAAAANCE!!!" Hiyoko shouted out in a panic.

    "No, no, the phone," Hina said to Hiyoko, pointing to her phone.

    "THE PHO-OOOONE!!!" Hiyoko shouted again. She was too panicked to think straight, causing Hina to roll her eyes and scoffed at her.

   "I'll do it!" She took Hiyoko's phone and called for help. 

    "Nee-heehee...moron..." Kokichi snickered as he watched Hiyoko lose her mind.

   "Oh, my! Poor Sayaka!" Himiko gasped softly. 

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