Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(14)

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    ", what made you want to become the Phantom Thief?" Himiko asked as she and Kokichi took a midnight stroll through the park, hand in hand. 

   " all started years ago with one of the younger kids at my orphanage who was being punished for something he hadn't even done," Kokichi explained. "As punishment, he had a whole day of food taken away from him; he wasn't allowed to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. He cried a lot that day, and was curled up in his bed, wanting so badly to eat something. I couldn't just sit there and watch him starve. So, I had to sneak into the kitchen while at the same time, avoid Miss Moriyama because she likes to roam the halls to make sure no kid is out of bed. Anyways, when I made it to the kitchen, I grabbed the last piece of cake from the fridge, and gave it to the kid. I'll...never forget his face when I gave it to him; he was sobbing with gratitude, and he hugged me. After that, I knew I had to do more, not just for him, but for the other kids at the orphanage, too. Soon afterwards, I'd been stealing each day for the other kids. I made sure to keep my identity hidden, so they wouldn't know it was me all along. That way, they wouldn't have to worry about covering up for me, and getting into even more trouble. I knew then that I had to be the hero for the other kids, and that's when I decided to become the Phantom Thief. I told the other kids that I knew the Phantom Thief personally, and if they ever needed something from him, I'd tell him to go get it. As the Phantom Thief, I'd go retrieve whatever they wanted at night, and when the kids would wake up in the morning, it was like Christmas everyday to them. Ever since then, life at the orphanage started getting better for them. Even for me, because seeing the other kids happy was pretty awesome. Soon afterwards, I wanted to help more than just the kids at the orphanage; I also wanted to help other people who were...less fortunate. And that's how I, the Phantom Thief, became famous throughout the whole city."

   "Nyeh...that's amazing, Kokichi," Himiko said shyly. "You really *are* a hero! I...never knew you were that kind of person. I guess I made a mistake in judging you too soon." She hung her head shamefully. "I'm sorry."

  " didn't help much that I acted like a brat, I guess," Kokichi said with an apologetic shrug. "I didn't let you get to know me,'s my fault, too, y'know?" They smiled at each other.

   "So...what happened to the first kid that you helped?" Himiko asked. "Wouldn't he know that you're the Phantom Thief?"

  "No...he got adopted before I became the Phantom Thief," Kokichi replied quietly. "Hopefully, he's living with parents who love him. Maybe one day, I'll visit him and see how he's doing."

   "Kokichi?" Himiko asked, stopping him on the silvery path.


  "After hearing your story...I...really want to help you," Himiko said. Kokichi opened his mouth to object, but Himiko continued before he could say anything. "Please, Kokichi! I know you don't want me to help, but...I really admire what you're doing, and...I want to be a part of it. I want to be...your partner in crime." Kokichi sighed and pondered for a bit. A small smile started to creep across his face, causing Himiko to smile, as well. 

   "Well...I guess it would be cool to have a partner," he said.

   "Kokichi...I wanna help! I think I could be good at it! I like making kids happy, too!" Himiko pleaded. "I want to be useful for once, and nothing makes me happier than knowing I made other people smile."

  "I thought you used your magic to make other people smile," Kokichi said. "Why do you have to resort to theft?"

  "I'll still be using my magic, just in a different way," Himiko pointed out. "I'll use my magic to help with your...your...'phantom thievery,' but I promise that I'll use it *only* as a last resort! That way, we won't have to worry about my magic being exposed. Nyeh...please, Kokichi? Please?!"

  "You're really not gonna stop bothering me about this, are you?" Kokichi sighed. Himiko crossed her arms with determination at him. "Alright, Himiko. If you insist. But...I'm the boss, remember that."

   "That's fine," Himiko said. Kokichi shook his head and chuckled. Then, he bowed elegantly to her.

   "Well, thank you for joining love," he said in his Phantom Thief voice. He looked up and winked at her. Himiko blushed, and she bowed elegantly back to him.

  " is my absolute darling," she said in her own Phantom Thief voice. They both giggled as Kokichi took Himiko's hand in his and kissed it. " that we're a team, what's our first order of business?"

   "Well...I suppose we can help out Shuichi and Kyoko," Kokichi said. 

   "What do you mean?" Himiko asked.

   "They needed 48 hours to find Junko's missing things, riiight?" Kokichi replied.

   "Are you saying that we should take back the clothes we donated to that other orphanage, and give them back to Junko?!" Himiko asked incredulously. 

   "Nope!" Kokichi said. 

   "Oh, are we going to help Shuichi and Kyoko?" Himiko asked. "Wait...*why* do you want to help them?! Didn't they make things more difficult for you to steal?"

  "Yeah, but I like the challenge," Kokichi said with a shrug. "It's no fun if you're going to get away with *everything,* y'know?" 

   "Nyeh...obstacles sound like a pain to me," Himiko admitted. "But, you usually know what you're doing, so I trust you."

   "Yay-ness!" Kokichi exclaimed. "Welp...tomorrow shouldn't be too much of a hassle. If Junko's going to steal what I think she'll try to steal from Shuichi and Kyoko, then I don't think we'll have any problems."

   "What do you think she'll try to steal?" Himiko asked. Kokichi gave her a sly smirk.

   "'ll have to wait and seeeee..." he teased. "But...don't expect anything all that great. You wouldn't want to get your hopes up only to leave them dashed because of a boring outcome, y'know?"

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