Himiko, the New Girl (4)

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     "Nyeh...what are *you* doing here?!" Himiko cried out. She couldn't hide under the brim of her hat, since Kokichi was holding it, so she had to cover her face to keep him from seeing it turn red. 

   "Nee-heehee...I live here!" Kokichi replied. Himiko's eyes widened with fear. 

   *Oh, no!* she thought to herself. *The boy I like lives in the same house as me! What do I do?!* 

   "Sooo...Himiko," Kokichi said as he sat down, still holding Himiko's hat. "Can I see you do your magic, now?"

   *Oh, my...he called it magic! He called it magic!* Himiko squealed in her mind. *Okay, okay...calm down! Calm down. Take a deep breath.* Himiko took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak. "Okay!" she said in a very squeaky voice. As soon as she spoke, her hands instinctively flew to her face, and she began to turn red. Kokichi just stared at her with a smirk as if he were enjoying seeing her get flustered. To make things even more difficult for Himiko, and more fun for Kokichi, Kokichi slightly tilted his head in a cute way, making his bangs brush across his forehead, and exposing his big, mischievous, purple eyes. He then gave her a charmingly boyish smile, which made him appear more innocent, yet slightly flirtatious. Himiko blushed harder, which made Kokichi smile wider. "Uh...umm...wh-what would you like to see?" Himiko managed to say. 

   "Hmmm...ooo! I know! I know! Do that thing where you smash something under a hankie, and then when you lift the hankie up, the thing you smashed is back intact!" Kokichi suggested. Himiko began to calm down, and even brightened a little. She knew a better way to make him smile.

  "Mmm...okay," she said. "But...I don't have a-"

   "Here," Kokichi said, untying his scarf and handing it to her. "I'll offer you my scarf...as a token of my affection." He winked at her, causing her to look away in order to hide her reddening face. Without looking at him, she shyly took the scarf from his hands.

   "Um...well...I don't have anything to smash," Himiko said in a timid voice. 

   "Try smashin' Kokichi! He needs to get rid of his virgin status and become a man, already!" came a snarky voice from the doorway of the dining hall. Kokichi and Himiko looked to see a girl with blonde hair and a pink, steampunk outfit. She strode over to where they were sitting and looked Himiko over. "So, you're the new girl, huh? Wow, wasn't expecting such a flat-chested, donkey-lipped midget!" Himiko covered her mouth with her hands and turned red with shame.

  "I don't have donkey lips," she mumbled. This girl was embarrassing her right in front of Kokichi! *Jeez, is EVERYBODY here a pain?!* she thought. She felt like crying. 

   "Nee-heehee...that's a lot of talk coming from someone with cow tits," Kokichi said. 

   "Eeeeeee....'cow tiiiiits...'" the girl whimpered. "I d-don't have c-cow tits!" 

   "On your knees, right now!" Kokichi ordered. 

   "Wh-Why...?" the girl sniveled.

  "Because you have cow tits!" Kokichi said. "It's only fitting that you act like a cow! Get on your knees!"

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