Kokichi Time (End)

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   The next morning, Kokichi trudged out of his room. He heard excited talking in the living room, so he decided to see what was going on. Everyone had crowded around Himiko, telling her how different she looked. Kokichi noticed that Sonia was there, as well.

   "Himiko's hair really nice!" Gonta exclaimed.

   "Why did you decide to go with black hair again?" Maki asked.

   "Nyeh...I liked it so much last time that I just wanted to do it again," Himiko replied. "Besides, it makes me feel more...mysteriooouuusss." 

   "You definitely look great, Himiko!" Shuichi said. 

   "Yes, perhaps you have found your new look," Sonia said with a happy smile. "I think it gives you a more...gothic appearance, which is totes awesome!"

   "Oh, my! I never thought of it like that!" Himiko said. "Maybe we should be goth girls, Sonia!" Sonia's grin became wider with excitement.

   "Oh, yes! We can become...queens of the night!" she said. 

   "Hee-hee...I like that!" Himiko giggled. Kokichi felt his heart drop. 

   "Let's go to the mall, already!" Tenko said impatiently. "We gotta get there before the free stuff goes away!"

   "Right!" Himiko and Sonia said at the same time. Then, they smiled and pointed at each other. "Jinx!" they said before bursting out into giggle fits. 

   "You girls have a great time," Rantaro said, waving goodbye. Kokichi rushed back to the boys hallway and peaked from behind the wall as he watched Himiko, Sonia, and Tenko leave. His shoulders dropped with sadness.

  "She didn't even notice me," he muttered despondently. Tears stung his eyes as he rushed to his room and quickly closed the door. He slid down the door and covered his face. "Stop crying," he growled to himself. "This is your fault! This is what you deserve!" He aggressively wiped his tears from his face. But no matter how much he wiped the tears away, they kept streaming from his eyes. Finally, he hung his head and allowed himself to cry. 

   Outside of Casa V3, Himiko, Sonia, and Tenko were walking along the sidewalk, when suddenly, Himiko realized she forgot something. 

   "What's wrong, Himiko?" Tenko asked as she and Sonia watched Himiko search her body.

   "Nyeh...I forgot my purse," Himiko replied. "You guys go on ahead, I'll go get it."

   "Are you sure, Himiko?" Sonia asked.

   "Yeah, I'll be right back!" Himiko called back to them as she dashed off. She rushed back inside and up to her room. "Nyeh...where did I put it?!" she exclaimed. She opened one of her desk drawers and found her small black purse inside. "Ah! There it is!" she reached for it, but something made her stop abruptly: Kokichi's yo-yo. She picked it up and stared at it quizzically, wondering why it was still there when she had given it back to Kokichi. She also remembered the strange way he had been acting the night before after she had come back from the mall. Suddenly, she realized what day it was.

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