Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt

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    *Tap, tap, tap*

    *Tap, tap, tap* 

    Himiko sleepily opened her eyes upon hearing numerous tapping sounds at her window. She smiled contentedly to herself as she recognized the sound of morning rain that had come to wake her up. Rain always made Himiko feel cozy, but for some reason, she felt cozier than usual. The room seemed bright, despite the lack of sun. She slowly sat up, and noticed that the glow in her room came from the lamp on her bedside table. She tilted her head in confusion, trying to figure out why it was on. Had she left it on last night, and just didn't remember? Along with the lamp, she noticed a small bell. Feeling even more confused, she reached for it, and examined it. 

  "Where'd this come from?" she mumbled to herself. She decided to give it a little ring. As she did, she immediately heard a knock on her door, causing her to jolt in alarm. "Nyeh...who is it?" she called out nervously.

   "Himiko, it is me," came the reply of her friend, Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid. "Kokichi has requested that I bring your breakfast to you in bed. May I come in?"

   "Oh! Um...sure," Himiko replied. Kirumi gently opened the door, and Himiko was immediately greeted with the smell of maple syrup. She was delighted to see that Kirumi had brought her a plate with two golden, fluffy, heart-shaped Funfetti pancakes, and a glass of milk. "Oh, my! Thank you, Kirumi" she exclaimed. Kirumi handed her a fork, knife, and a folded note. "What's this note for?"

   "Kokichi informed me to tell you not to open it until you are done eating," Kirumi answered.

   "Oh! Okay, then," Himiko nodded. Kirumi gave her a small, polite bow. 

  "Please, let me know if you require my assistance for anything else, Himiko," she said. 

   "Thanks, Kirumi. I will," Himiko said with a smile. Kirumi left the room, leaving Himiko by herself to eat her pancakes in peace. When she finished, she opened the folded note from Kokichi:

  *Good morning, Himiko! How are you, sleepyhead? Finish up your breakfast, and hop out of bed! Looks like it's gonna be a rainy day. So, I've prepared a special game for you to play! Sorry if I sound a bit like a runt, but I've prepared for you a scavenger hunt! You will scavenge and hunt for the things you're fond of! Each item will bring you closer to the one you love! To start things off, look at your closet door! You'll find something that wasn't there before! For our Valentine's date, you'll want to look your very best! So, I bought you a pretty, pretty dress! Good luck on finding the clues, Monkey Buns! Remember, you brighten my day more than a thousand suns! -Bestest evil supreme leader boyfriend in the world, Kokichi Ouma.*

  "Awww..." Himiko murmured affectionately, hugging the note to her chest. Then, as the note had said, Himiko looked at her closet door, and gasped. Hanging on the door was a white, strapless dress with red polka dots and a poofy skirt. Himiko placed the plate on her bedside table, and climbed out of bed to get a closer look at the dress. Attached to the dress was another folded note. Below the dress was something else she hadn't noticed. There, on the floor, were a pair of black mary-jane pumps with white straps and tiny, red hearts on them. Himiko gasped softly as she picked up the shoes. "Nyeh...these are so pretty," she whispered in awe. She went to the bathroom to wash up, then returned to put her new dress and shoes on. Then, she brushed her hair in a side-ponytail style with a black bow. Afterwards, she opened up the note that had been pinned to her dress:

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