Lying 101

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    "Hey, Himiko! Wanna go to the gym with me?" Tenko asked Himiko, who was laying down on her bed, reading a fantasy book. She wanted to groan, but she gave Tenko a small, drowsy smile, and began drumming her fingers against her book. 

   ", thanks, Tenko," she replied. "Um...I'm not feeling well." She reached for her belly and sides. "Cramps," she said. 

   "Oh! Okay, then," Tenko replied sympathetically. "You want me to get you anything on the way back?"

   "No, no, it's fine," Himiko assured. "I think a nap will make them go away. It usually does." Tenko smiled, and shook her head at Himiko.

  "Oh, Himiko, you and your naps!" she said adoringly before heading out the door, and waving to Himiko. "Bye, Himiko!" Himiko waved back at her, feeling a small pang of guilt. The truth was that she wasn't actually cramping, she just didn't want to go to the gym with Tenko. Whenever Himiko had turned her down from going to the gym by simply not wanting to go, Tenko's countenance would go from enthusiastic to down-hearted, which would end up making Himiko change her mind and go with Tenko to the gym. Himiko always dreaded the gym because Tenko would make her train and do the more strenuous exercises that were too much for Himiko's noodle arms and legs. Himiko knew Tenko meant well, but she felt much safer not going to the gym with her. This time, even though it hurt Himiko a bit to do so, she had to lie about having cramps to keep herself from going to the gym, and to save Tenko's feelings. At the same time, however, she couldn't help but feel pleased with herself. 

   "Wow...I think I'm good at lying," she said to herself. Excitedly, she left her and Tenko's room, and rushed downstairs to Kokichi and Gonta's. Before she knocked on their door, she paused to stop and think. Hmm...maybe I should test my skills on Kokichi, she thought to herself. She giggled mischievously to herself, then cleared her throat as she tried to put on her best poker face. Then, she knocked on the door. 

   "Come IIII-IIIINNNNN!" Kokichi's voice sang from the other side. Himiko opened the door, and saw Kokichi sitting on his bed, playing video games. She sat down next to him. "Hey, Monkey Buns! What's up?" he asked, not taking his eyes away from the TV screen.

   "Um, Kokichi? Can you pause it, please?" Himiko asked. "I have to tell you something." Kokichi paused the game, and turned to look at her. 

   "Yeeees?" he asked expectantly. Himiko opened her mouth, and began to panic. She hadn't thought of a lie to tell him. She began nervously drumming her fingers against her knee, and blurted out the first words that came to her mind. 

  "I need you to go to the store with me," she said. Kokichi merely stared at her, keeping his expression the same.

   "Why do you need me to go?" he asked. 

   Oh, my gosh! It's actually working! Himiko thought excitedly to herself. "Well, because there's a dog on the loose outside, and I don't want to be out there by myself." 

   "I see," Kokichi said with a small smirk. "What breed of dog is it? A German Shepherd? A Golden Retriever? Or is it a rare breed of an imaginary dog that you come up with when you wanna lie to me for whatever reason?" Himiko's mouth dropped open.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now