Cake Surgery

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    "Nyeh...I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win!" Himiko exclaimed. She and Kokichi were in Kokichi and Gonta's room playing video games. They were currently playing Mario Kart 12, and Himiko was in the lead with Kokichi right behind her. Himiko's character crossed the finish line first. "NYEH!! I DID IT!! WHOOOO!!!" Himiko cheered, and began dancing. "I'm bad! I'm bad! Whoooo! Look at me and my bad self! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

   "Hahaha, bravo, Himiko!" Kokichi said, giving Himiko a high five. The truth is that Kokichi let her win, though he didn't want to tell her that. He knew she got upset whenever she lost to him, despite trying her best to hide her frustration. But he liked seeing her happy, especially since she just started an interest in playing video games.  

   "I think I deserve some victory cake," Himiko said, giving Kokichi a smug grin. Kokichi smiled at her and rolled his eyes.

   "M'kay, I guess we can ask Kirumi to bake one for us, since she makes the best cakes," he said, They both stood up and walked hand in hand to the kitchen. However, Kirumi was nowhere to be found. "Hmm, maybe she's in her room," Kokichi said. He and Himiko went upstairs to Kirumi and Maki's room, but Kirumi was absent from her room, as well.

   "Kirumi's not here," Maki explained when Kokichi and Himiko asked her for Kirumi's whereabouts. "She went grocery shopping and won't be back until later this evening."

   "Awww, who's going to bake a cake for us?" Himiko muttered.

   "You can do it yourselves," Maki suggested. 

   "B-But...we don't know how!" Himiko said.

   "Better to learn now than never," Maki simply replied with a shrug, then turned away from them to continue reading her book. 

   "Murder Girl is right, Himiko," Kokichi said. "Besides, baking a cake ourselves sounds more fun! C'mon, let's go!" He pulled Himiko back downstairs to the kitchen. "O-kay! I'm pretty sure Kirumi has a bunch of cookbooks around here somewhere...a-ha!" Kokichi found the cupboard where the cookbooks were stored, and sifted through the ones that taught how to bake cakes. "Okie-dokie, Himikokie! What kind of cake should we bake?"

   "Nyeh...nothing too fancy," Himiko replied. "Probably just a white cake with some strawberry frosting. Ooo! and some sprinkles on top!"

   "How 'bout sprinkles inside the cake, too?" Kokichi asked with an impish smile.

    "Ooo! That's interesting!" Himiko said. "It'll be like funfetti cake!"

   "M'kay," Kokichi said. "Do you wanna do the rainbow sprinkles that's in funfetti cake, oorrrr...should we put in the crystal sprinkles?" He pulled out the drawer where the sprinkles were, and removed the rainbow sprinkles as well as the various colors of crystal sprinkles. "With the crystal sprinkles, we can add in whatever colors we want! Here are the blue crystal sprinkles, the pink, the red, the purple, yellow, green, and the orange. So, which ones: the crystals, or the rainbow sprinkles?"

   "Mmm...that's a tough choice," Himiko groaned. "I kinda wanna go with the....crystals. Is that okay?"

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