Kokichi Time (2)

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    Later that afternoon, Himiko and Sonia came back to Casa V3 after their adventure at DeepBlueSea World. They were giggling with glee as they talked about how fun it was.

   "Nyeh...that was so a-mazing!" Himiko exclaimed as they stepped through the door.

   "Agreed!" Sonia replied, laughing. "How exciting was that dolphin show?!"

  "Right?!" Himiko said. They both scrunched their shoulders and flapped their arms as if they were flippers. Then, they started spinning around while clicking like dolphins before bursting out into happy laughter. Suddenly, Kokichi came strolling in with a muffin in his hand. 

   "Heeeeey, girlfriends!" he said with a cheeky grin. "Did you enjoy the water park?"

   "Nyeh...hi, Kokichi!" Himiko said, giving Kokichi a kiss.

  "Hello, Kokichi," Sonia said politely. "Yes! It was most invigorating, indeed!"

   "You mean...it was tight, yo!" Himiko corrected.

   "Yes! It was...da bomb!" Sonia said. They began giggling together. Kokichi lifted a brow and chuckled. 

   "Hahaha, aaaanyhoo..." he said.  

   "Oh, my gosh, Kokichi! You should have seen it!" Himiko exclaimed with excitement. Then, she turned to Sonia. "Remember Shampoo?!" Sonia's eyes lit up.

  "Oh, yes! Shampoo, the killer whale!" she exclaimed. Himiko turned back to Kokichi. 

   "Nyeh...first, the trainer lady was talking to Shampoo!" she explained.

   "Then, Shampoo submerged deep down into the water!" Sonia added.

   "And when Shampoo wouldn't come back up for a while..." Himiko continued.

   "...the audience yelled..." Sonia said as she and Himiko looked at each other.

   "...WHERE'S SHAMPOO?!" they exclaimed in unison as they flapped their arms questioningly. 

   "Then, Shampoo jumped out of the water..." Himiko said.

   "...and splashed everybody in the audience!" Sonia finished. Himiko and Sonia laughed before letting out a contented sigh. 

   "Sounds really cool!" Kokichi replied, stroking Himiko's cheek. "Glad you had fun, Monkey Buns." Himiko blushed and batted her eyelashes at him. "Oh, oh! By the way, Himiko...can I have my yo-yo back, now?"

   "What for?" Himiko asked, crossing her arms and raising her brow at him. After his hypnotism shenanigans lately, Himiko decided it was best to confiscate his yo-yo for a while.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now