Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(4)

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      Himiko and the Phantom Thief arrived at Junko Enoshima's mansion, which was sitting on top of a hill. To get into it, one had to enter through a tall security gate. The two hid behind a bush outside the gate, and looked up at the creepy mansion.

   " we just...walk through that gate, or what?" Himiko asked. 

    "No, we'll be caught if we do," the Phantom Thief replied, pointing to a camera that was hanging near the entrance of the gate.

   "How do we get past it?" Himiko asked. 

   "Allow me, love!" the Phantom Thief said. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a small, blue bomb. 

   "Is that a bomb?!" Himiko whispered in horror. 

   "'s not a 'bomb,' exactly," the Phantom Thief chuckled. "It's called a 'super electrobomb.' It disables electronic devices within 500 yards for a few hours. This way, all the cameras and security systems in Junko's mansion will be disabled, and we can sneak in real easy-like!" 

   "'s almost like magic!" Himiko exclaimed.

   "Ah, that's right," the Phantom Thief said. "Kokichi tells me that you are a wielder of magic." Himiko blushed and giggled bashfully.

   "Oh, well...I don't like to brag, but I am pretty good at it," she said. 

    "Well, I would love it if you showed me someday, my little sorceress," the Phantom Thief murmured, stroking Himiko's chin. Himiko felt like soaring through the sky. The other students at school, barring Tenko and Angie, gave her grief for believing in magic, and believing that she was able to wield it. But feeling acknowledged by the very person she was infatuated with filled her with an immense joy that she had never felt before. The Phantom Thief activated the bomb and rolled it through the gates in front of the mansion. "You might want to cover your eyes for this," the Phantom Thief said to Himiko. Himiko covered her eyes right as the super electrobomb exploded and released a blinding white light. A few seconds had passed, and the light faded. The Phantom Thief grabbed Himiko's hand. "Now, we can enter through the gate and the house," he said. He opened the gate, and led Himiko up the driveway, and to the mansion. He picked the lock to the front door, and opened it slowly and quietly. 

    "Wow, you were right," Himiko whispered. "That electrobomb sure does make things easier."

   "Precisely," replied the Phantom Thief. "Now, we need to find Miss Enoshima's room. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where she has all of your fellow classmates' valuables hidden." He reached into his utility belt to grab two walkie-talkies, and handed one of them to Himiko. "Do you know how to use a walkie-talkie?"

   "," Himiko admitted with embarrassment.

   "It's simple: hold the button down when you want to speak, and when you're done speaking, release it so you can receive my messages," the Phantom Thief explained.  

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