Cookies 'n' Dreams (10)

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     Two hours had passed, and Himiko earned a total of ¥9500. She wished she had made more, but it was much better than the day before.

   "Nyeh...thanks for helping me out, Keiko," Himiko said with a grateful smile. 

   "Nooo problemooo!" Three replied. "That was fun! Maybe I can come by next weekend and help out again!"

   "Heeey, that's a pretty swell idea for someone who's slacking on the job!" came Kokichi's voice. Himiko and Three turned to see him peering at them from over the brick banister. He walked down the steps and joined them. Himiko and Three glanced at each other frantically. 

   "B-Boss! I was, um...I-I..." Three stammered. "It's not what it looks like! I was just...dropping by, and I-"

   "Yeah, Kokichi! She wasn't helping me, honest!" Himiko chimed in, coming to Three's defense. 

   "I was just giving her moral support, and maybe some advice," Three said. "But, I promise, I'll go right back to-" Kokichi held up his hand to silence her. 

   "Very well," he said. "Return to headquarters, Three."

   "Okay, boss," Three said, pouting. She dashed off, waving goodbye to Himiko, who waved back. Then, Himiko turned to Kokichi.

   "Kokichi? Are you mad at her?" she asked in a small voice. "Are you mad at me, too?"

   "I'm not mad at either of you," Kokichi said. Himiko stared back in uncertain silence. "It's not a lie, Himiko. I'm really not mad."

   "Oh, but...why do you seem...not happy?" Himiko asked. 

   "Because Three has business elsewhere," Kokichi replied. "She wasn't supposed to come here."

   "Oh..." Himiko said quietly. Kokichi sighed and nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

    "Seeing as she was assisting the Supreme Lady, though, I'll let it slide this time," he said. "But, I need to have a talk with her about shirking her responsibilities." 

   "Oh, but...with her support, I made ¥9500," Himiko said, showing Kokichi her earnings. Kokichi's eyes lit up.

   "Really?! Way to go, Monkey Buns!" he said, nodding with respect. 

   "How much did you make?" Himiko asked, afraid to find out.

  "Not as much as yesterday," Kokichi said. "Just ¥25000."

   "Oh..." Himiko muttered disappointedly. Kokichi held her shoulders firmly. 

   "Don't be so down, Himiko," he said. "What you's a start. I'm sure you'll get better later."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now