Partners In Crime (Phantom Thief AU)(End)

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    The next day at lunch in the cafeteria, Junko stormed in angrily, and headed for Shuichi and Kyoko's table. Everyone watched with silent curiosity, wondering what was going to happen.

   "You two!" she demanded. "You wannabe detectives still haven't found my stuff! Your 48 hours are over!" Shuichi and Kyoko shared a disappointed glance with each other, and they both stood up.

  "Go ahead, Junko," Kyoko said. "You can take whatever you want from us." Junko gave her an evil smirk, and took out her phone. 

  "Oh, I intend to," she said. "I'll go on 'the 'Gram,' and let everyone know to not let Shuichi and Kyoko do detective work for them because they are incompetent, slow, and horribly dressed." 

   "So, that's what you were going to steal from us," Kyoko said, her eyes widening with realization. "Our reputation!"

  "You got it, Nancy Drew," Junko said. "And because everyone in the whole school loves me, they'll do what I tell them to!"

   "Junko! Don't do this!" Shuichi said. "You can always make more clothes!"

   "I want *all* of the clothes I've ever made!" Junko spat. "Besides, we had a deal! And, now, I'm going to hit 'comment!'" Junko was about to lay her finger on the comment button, until she was interrupted by a voice that echoed throughout the whole cafeteria. 

   "FOOOOD FIIIIGHT!!" Kokichi yelled, and threw a buttery roll at Junko.

  "AAHHH!!! What...why...who threw that at me?!" she demanded. But before she could find out, the whole cafeteria erupted into chaos with everyone throwing food at each other. "AAAHH! HEY!!" Junko screeched, trying to avoid the slimy food that was being thrown around. "Wait! Ugh...I'm gonna post...the comment...AAUUGHHH!!!" A pile of noodles plopped onto Junko's face. "UGHHH...FORGET IT!!!" she growled as she erased her comment and stomped out of the cafeteria. Shuichi and Kyoko looked at each other in relief and started to laugh as they ducked the incoming food. Himiko, who was under the table, looked in amazement as Junko stomped off. Kokichi's plan had actually worked, and Shuichi and Kyoko's reputations as detectives were saved. Himiko felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Kokichi, who was laughing cheerfully. 

   "Haha, wanna get out there and join the fun?" he asked. 

   "Nyeh...I dunno," Himiko said. "I'm an easy target." 

   "Great! Makes things more challenging for you!" Kokichi said. "Get out there and have some fun, Himiko!" He snickered as he splattered some applesauce in Himiko's face. Himiko gasped in surprise. Then, she looked at him with a smirk.

   "Nyeh...okay, that's it," she said, wiping her face. "You want a food fight? I'll give you a food fight!" Kokichi laughed lightheartedly as he rushed out from underneath the table with Himiko right behind him. She had an apple slice in her hand, and launched it at Kokichi, who ducked just in time. The two wove their way through the lunch-filled battlefield, making sure to duck the food from the other students. Kokichi got struck on the side of his head with an orange, which gave Himiko some time to tackle him. She had found an applesauce cup of her own and held it high over Kokichi. Kokichi smirked at her, waiting for her to plop it onto his face.

   "Before you do that..." he started to say. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening. " me in the library again after school."

   "Nyeh...whatever you say," Himiko said, and splashed his face with the applesauce. 


   After school was over, Himiko met up with Kokichi in the library, just as she had promised. He led her through the door that led into the basement. 

  " order to protect our secret...we can't hang out here at school together," Kokichi said. 

  "Nyeh?! Why not?!" Himiko exclaimed. 

  "It'd be too obvious," Kokichi said. "Shuichi and Kyoko have seen us both as phantom thieves, and sooner or later, they'll put the pieces together and realize that we were the phantom thieves all along." Himiko nodded with disappointment.

  "So...what do we do, then?" she asked.

  "We have to act like we did before at school, y'know, with me annoying you, and all," Kokichi explained. "And at night, that's when we become the phantom thieves." Himiko gave him a small smile.

  "Okay," she said. "I actually do like the sound of that."

   "Great!" Kokichi said. "So...I'll see you tonight?"

   "'s a deal!" Himiko said with a smile. She and Kokichi shook hands on it. "When and where should we meet?"

  "How about under the bridge in the park at midnight?" Kokichi asked.

   " it!" Himiko replied. Kokichi smiled appreciatively and nuzzled his nose against Himiko's, causing her to blush.


   Later that night, Himiko wore her yellow dress again, along with her disguise. She set out to find Kokichi in the park, and found him underneath the bridge, where he said he'd be, wearing his Phantom Thief disguise. Himiko excitedly ran up to him, and hugged him. 

  "Missed me, my love?" the Phantom Thief asked.

  "Hmhmhmm...more than anything, my darling," the Lady Thief chuckled. They both removed their masks, and gave each other a kiss. 

   "Ready to go, partner in crime?" Kokichi asked her with a flirtatious smile.

   "Nyeh...just a sec," Himiko said. With the tip of her magical finger, Himiko's yellow dress turned to white, as well as her black pumps, and her hat. She matched completely with Kokichi's Phantom Thief disguise. "Now, I'm ready." Kokichi grinned at her in awe, and took her hand. They put their masks back on.

  "Let's be off, then, my love," the Phantom Thief said.

  "Lead the way, my darling," replied the Lady Thief. The two lovestruck thieves ran off into the starlit night together against the silvery light of the moon.

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