Kokichi's New Power (3)

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    "Himiko...Himiko..." A distant, echoey voice was calling out to Himiko, though she didn't exactly know where it was coming from. "Hi...mi...koooo..." the voice called again. This time, it sounded much more familiar. She felt something warm and heavy on top of her body that was preventing her from moving. She slowly opened one of her eyes. A large purple eye was staring right back at her. Her other eye immediately flew open as she blinked both of them in concentration. Daylight came pouring in through Himiko's bedroom window. Kokichi was on top of Himiko, trying to wake her up.

   "AHH!! KOKICHI!!" Himiko shrieked in surprise.

    "Moooorning, sleepyhead!" Kokichi sang. "You're finally up, HimiCocoa Bean!"

   "Nyeeeh...are you crazy?!" Himiko whisper screamed as she shoved Kokichi off of her. "If Tenko sees you on top of me like that, she's going to...nyeh?! Wait, where is Tenko?" Himiko looked across the room to Tenko's side, but Tenko wasn't even in her bed.

   "Nee-heehee...she's downstaaaiiiirs..." Kokichi replied mischievously, casually placing his hands behind his head. Himiko looked at him with suspicion.

   "Whyyy do you say it like that?" she asked. Kokichi continued to smile impishly at Himiko.

   "Before I tell you, why don't you get dressed, first, then meet me downstairs in the living room, 'kay?" he suggested. "See you in a bit! Oh, and make sure you wear your supreme lady outfit!"

   "Wait!" Himiko said, but Kokichi was already out the door. Grumbling at being woken up so early in the morning at 11:30--which was pretty early for Himiko--she climbed out of bed and got dressed in her supreme lady dress and boots. She washed up and headed down to the living room. Once there, she found all of her classmates standing in two rows, all the boys in one row, and the girls in another. The boys were wearing butler outfits, and the girls wore maid outfits. The thing that made it even creepier was that they were all so eerily silent and staring off into space. 

    "K-Kokichi...?" Himiko asked in a frightened whisper. She heard evil chuckling.

   "Isn't it great, HimiCocoa Bean?" asked Kokichi as he stepped in from behind the bodies of Rantaro and Kaito. He was wearing his supreme leader cape and a crown on his head. "Today is a great day for you and me!"

   "Kokichi...what did you do?" Himiko asked, looking all around her at her spookily silent friends. 

   "I hypnotized them, of course," Kokichi replied, stroking Himiko's cheek.

   "Oh...but, why?" Himiko asked.

   "Becaaauuuse...you and I deserve to be pampered for a day, don't you think...my queen?" Kokichi replied, kissing the back of Himiko's hand. "And everyone here is going to be our loyal subjects!"

   "Oh, my!" Himiko exclaimed. "I don't know about this, Kokichi. This seems a little too..."

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