We Meet Again! (Pregame AU)

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 *This was requested by Nooneheremovealong! ^-^*   

   Himiko was sitting underneath the cherry blossom tree in her backyard, writing in her diary. It was a sunny afternoon with a gentle breeze, and clear, blue skies...perfect weather for Himiko. She loved warm spring days where she could write in her diary underneath the cherry blossom tree without anyone interrupting her. She wouldn't mind if Kokichi, a boy she met not too long ago, interrupted her, though. He was the reason she began writing in her diary in the first place; it was a healthy way to vent her feelings, rather than in a harmful way like she used to. She sighed dreamily as she thought of Kokichi. Oh, how she longed to see him again. His kind, violet eyes, his soft hair, his beautiful smile, and best of all, his soft, warm lips against hers. Himiko blushed and smiled to herself. More than anything, she wanted to have another moment with him. She sighed heavily, as she clutched her diary close to her chest, longing to see Kokichi again.

   "Kokichi...I wish you were here," she whispered softly, closing her eyes. She listened to the gentle breeze, causing the branches of the cherry blossom tree above her to sway. As she listened, she thought it was weird how hard the branches were swaying, considering the breeze wasn't blowing that hard. That's when she heard a voice call to her from above.

   "What's shakin,' bacon?" the voice said. Himiko immediately recognized the voice, and looked up excitedly to see Kokichi sitting on a branch, waving to her. 

   "Kokichi!" she exclaimed, waving back at him. 

   "Haha, um...h-here I come," Kokichi said, trying to look for the easiest way to get down. With unsteady arms, he lowered himself from the branch, and hung from it. Before he could let go, the branch gave in, and fell to the ground, causing Kokichi to land on his back and head.

   "KOKICHI!!" Himiko shouted, dropping her diary, and rushing over to him. "Oh, my gosh! Are you okay?!" She gently lifted his head. He winced in pain, but let out a small chuckle.

   "Haha, yeah...I'm fine," he groaned, and rubbed his chest. "Aaughh...yep! I think I um...fractured my pride," he joked. Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes, pressing her hand against her own chest as she sighed in relief.

  "Don't scare me like that again, dum-dum!" she said affectionately, gently smacking his forehead. 

   "Sorry!" Kokichi said, chuckling softly. Himiko helped him to sit up, and they both sat against the tree. "So, how've you been?" 

  "Okay, I guess," Himiko said, reaching for her diary. "I um...I've missed you," she said, bashfully clutching the diary against her chest. Kokichi began to blush, as well.

   "Oh! R-Really?" he asked. Himiko nodded. "I'm...I'm glad to hear that, Himiko. I've missed you, too." They both smiled bashfully at each other for a few moments. "So, um...have you been practicing your magic?" Kokichi asked. Himiko's face fell.

   "No..." she replied quietly. "I don't have enough money to buy a magic kit."

  "Ah, I understand," Kokichi replied, nodding sympathetically. "That's okay. I didn't end up running for class president, like I had promised, so...it's no big deal." Himiko looked at him in surprise. 

   "Why didn't you run?" she asked softly. Kokichi shrugged abashedly.

   "Guess I chickened out," he replied softly. It was now Himiko's turn to nod sympathetically.

   "Well, that's okay," she said, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "You can still start your own club, or something." Kokichi smiled at her. 

   "I actually thought about that, too," he admitted. 

    "Really?" Himiko asked softly, smiling. Kokichi nodded.

    "Yeah," he said, and chuckled. "Haha, I thought about calling it, 'I.C.E.,' or something because, you know, it would be...'cool.' No pun intended, of course." Himiko giggled and rolled her eyes.

   "Uh-huh, I'm sure," she replied sarcastically as she playfully swatted Kokichi. "You silly clown," she murmured warmly, ruffling his hair. 

   "Takes one to know one," Kokichi joked, playfully nudging Himiko. Himiko giggled, then sighed blissfully before leaning her head on Kokichi's shoulder. 

   "I'm so glad you're here," Kokichi," she said, wrapping her arms around his.

    "I'm glad you're here, too, Himiko," Kokichi responded softly, gently kissing her forehead. 

    "Guess what?" Himiko asked. 

   "What's that?" Kokichi answered.

    "I have a diary where I vent out my feelings," Himiko replied. "I've always felt better ever since."

    "Himiko, that's great!" Kokichi exclaimed. "I'm proud of you." 

    "But...I'd still feel even more better if I could talk to you, instead," Himiko said. Kokichi smiled and blushed.

     "You can talk to me anytime, Himiko," he said. "I'll always be there for you." Himiko smiled and wrapped her arms tighter around Kokichi's. Together, in serene silence, they watched the cherry blossom petals glide through the gentle breeze, and flutter gently all around them to the bright, green grass. They closed their eyes, wishing this moment would never end as they slipped into a peaceful slumber, happy to be in each other's warm company. 


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