Psycho Saihara (3)

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    "Oh...ohh...oh, no..." Tsumugi gasped, backing away from the body bag. She covered her mouth, trying to suppress vomit. 

   "R-Rantaro is...really...really...d-d..." Kaede breathed in horror.

  "Atua, please guide Rantaro's soul safely to your kingdom, so that he may forever-" Angie began.

   "ANGIE, THIS IS NO TIME FOR YOUR ATUA CRAP!!!" Tenko yelled in frustration. "Can't you see that Rantaro!"

   "What do you care?" Maki asked. "I thought you hated men."

   "Yeah, when they're alive!" Tenko exclaimed. "When they're dead, it's sad, and I don't hate them so much, anymore! Even I mourn degenerates! Do you really think I'm that heartless, Maki?!" 

   "What do we do, now?" Kirumi asked. 

   "Nyeh...should we call the cops?" Himiko asked.

   "No..." Kokichi said quietly. The other girls turned to look at him. He was staring at Rantaro's body in shock.

   "The hell you mean 'no?!'" Miu asked. "There's a dead guy in there! What are we supposed to do, just stand here, and-"

   "No..." Kokichi interrupted, more firmly this time. He sighed with shaky breaths, and sat down in front of the dumpster, bringing his hands up to his head in despair. Himiko knelt down next to him.

   "Kokichi...?" she asked in a small voice. Kokichi lifted his head up to face the girls.

   "We can't tell the cops," he finally said. "We have to take care of Shuichi ourselves."

   "What?! But...but, why?!" Tsumugi exclaimed. "That's just...plain crazy!"

   "Shuichi is a detective," Kokichi explained. "Not just any detective, the Ultimate Detective. He's provided extra help for the local police, right?"

   "What's your point?" Maki asked.

   "Well, Shuichi is probably all buddy-buddy with the police," Kokichi continued. "If they question him, he'll just lie about it, and the police will believe his lies. Shuichi has never given them any reason to distrust him, so of course the cops are going to take his side!"

   "I...I never thought about it that way," Tsumugi admitted.

   "But, what if we explain-" Kaede began to ask.

   "No, Kaede! We don't...involve...the police," Kokichi insisted, enunciating every word. "It's too risky, and with Maki being the Ultimate Assassin, and all, Shuichi will most likely try to pin the blame on her !" 

    "I suppose that is true," Maki admitted. "I didn't think Shuichi would do that, but, then again,  he did end up murdering Rantaro, after all."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now