Pyramid Scheme (3)

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    "Where exactly in Egypt are we supposed to go, Kiyo?" Kokichi asked eagerly. After 30 minutes of being airborne, the group was now flying over somewhere in Europe, and Kokichi decided to break the long, boring silence.

   "Hmm...archaeologists have guessed about 20 miles south of the Great Pyramids of Giza," Kiyo responded, carefully studying Rulers of the Nile. "According to archaeologist, Doug A. Faucil, the queen preferred to be isolated from the other pharaoh's tombs when she died, so they built her pyramid quite a distance away from those in Giza."

   "Why did she want to be alone?" Himiko asked.

   "I am afraid I do not know," Kiyo admitted. "Perhaps she merely lived her life as...a recluse, and wanted to die as such."

   "Nyeh? She was a spider?" Himiko asked quizzically. 

   ", Himiko," Kiyo chuckled. "Reclusive simply means that she preferred to live in isolation away from everyone else."

   "Ohhh..." Himiko replied. "I think I can relate sometimes."

   "Awww, are you getting sick of me, Himiko?" Kokichi asked, poking his lower lip out.

   "No," Himiko replied, wrapping her arms around Kokichi's neck. "I can be reclusive with you, if you want."

   "Yay!!" Kokichi said, giving her a kiss on her cheek as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug, squishing their cheeks together.

   "Ha! Then her pyramid should be easy to find, then, right?" Kaito asked. "After all, if she's buried 20 miles outside of Giza, we should find her lost tomb immediately!"

   "It is only a theory, Kaito," Kiyo reminded Kaito. "Her tomb could very well be anywhere south of Giza."

   "Hey, who's this queen you guys keep talkin' about?" Miu asked from the driver's seat. 

   "Queen Yuwanapisami," Kiyo explained. "She was an ancient ruler of Egypt whose tomb has not yet been discovered. We are hoping to find it."

   "How the hell are you gonna find a tomb that hasn't even been discovered, yet?!" Miu asked. 

   "Nee-heehee...with our eyes, duh!" Kokichi replied cheekily.

   "We just intend to scope out the general area," Kiyo said. "After all, with your hoverjet, it should not be too much of a hassle...hopefully."

   "Tuh...sounds like a pain in the ass!" Miu muttered. "Well, we're approaching Egypt, soon, anyway. Tell me exactly where you want to go."

   "Actuallyyyyy..." Kokichi said. "Before we go searching for some lost pyramid, why don't we stop in Giza to take pictures of some we already know exist?"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now