The Baby Pageant (4)

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    The next day, Kokichi heard a knock on his door. He opened it to find, not only Himiko, but Ryoma there, as well, with an angry glare. 

   "Kokichi, Himiko asked me if I was excited about being in that baby pageant," he said. "Why did she ask me that?" Kokichi's eyes shifted up to Himiko, who looked back at him with a confused, almost panicked, expression. Kokichi looked back down at Ryoma with a cheeky grin.

  ", y'know. I think she just meant if you're excited to watch it," he replied. Himiko looked at him with a bewildered expression. 

   "That's not what she said," Ryoma growled. "She specifically asked if I was excited to pretend to be a baby for the pageant! Did you sign me up for it, even after I told you I wasn't interested?!" 

   "W-Well, I uh..." Kokichi stammered. Then, he let out a frustrated sigh. "Dammit!" he muttered. Then, he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. "Baby," he mumbled. In an instant, Ryoma's eyes became wide, puppy eyes. He fell onto his butt and grabbed at Himiko's legs, wanting her to pick him up. 

  "Gaa-gaaa! Da-da-daa-pppbbbb!!!" he cooed. Himiko looked down at him with her eyes wide and mouth agape. Then, she looked at Kokichi, who stared back at her with a guilty expression. It was then that she connected the dots. She huffed in annoyance as she picked up Ryoma. She then grabbed Kokichi's ear and pulled him into his and Gonta's room.

   "OW! OWIE! OW! OW! OOO! SSS! Himiko! That's my ear! I use it to hear things! OWWW!!" Kokichi exclaimed in pain. She let go of Kokichi once they reached the side of his bed. She placed Ryoma onto Kokichi's bed, then closed the bedroom door. "Damn, girl! You got some serious grip!" Kokichi groaned, rubbing his sore ear.

   "You idiot! You hypnotized Ryoma?!" Himiko hissed, getting all up in Kokichi's face.

   "Hm...define 'hypnotize,'" Kokichi replied cheekily, placing his hands behind his head.

   "Nyeeeh! You wanna define something? Look up the word 'mincemeat' in the dictionary! You'll find your picture right next to it!" Himiko said, pointing a reprimanding finger at Kokichi. 

   "D'oh, come on, Himiko! I've hypnotized Ryoma before and that didn't seem to bother you then!" Kokichi huffed. 

   "Yeah, but you hypnotized everyone else along with him, so it's not like he was the only one acting dumb," Himiko said. "If you hypnotized someone like Hiyoko, or Leon, I'd be totally okay with what we're doing! But Ryoma's always so sad and serious and now you're using him to be an actual baby! A drooling, stinky, messy baby! I mean, just look at him!" They looked over at Ryoma, who was now smacking Kokichi's stuffed horse, Mr. Uma, against the bed.

  "HEY!!" Kokichi yelled angrily, snatching Mr. Uma away. "Don't do that to Mr. Uma! Bad baby! Bad Ryoma!" Ryoma's eyes began welling up with tears. 

   "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ryoma wailed. Kokichi covered his ears. 

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