Kokichi Time (3)

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    Kokichi laid down on his bed in somber silence, leaning against his pillows and sighing every now and again. Suddenly, he heard the door to his and Gonta's room swing open. He turned around with excitement, hoping to see Himiko. Instead, it was just Gonta. 

   "Good morning, Kokichi!" Gonta said cheerfully.

   "Hey," Kokichi muttered, turning back around. He heard Gonta sifting through his desk. He turned around to see what exactly he was doing. Gonta was gathering his bug catchers and carefully placing them into a large bag. "Hey, Gonta?" Kokichi asked. Gonta looked up at him.

   "Hm? What wrong, Kokichi?" he asked. 

   "What are you gonna do with all those bug catchers?" Kokichi asked. "Er, well...what I mean is...are you gonna be outside...in the front yard...collecting bugs?" As he spoke, his voice became more hopeful.

   "Oh, no! Gonta take these to bug museum," Gonta replied. "Gonta going to teach younger kids about bugs, and we gonna spend all day catching butterflies, and soon...fireflies!"

   "Oh...I see," Kokichi replied, his shoulders drooping.

  "Why? You wanna go, Kokichi?" Gonta asked.

   "Um...naaah, I gotta do...other things," Kokichi mumbled, waving his hand dismissively. The truth was he didn't want Gonta to go to the museum where he felt like he'd be a bother to Gonta and the younger kids. He'd rather spend time with Gonta alone.

   "Well, okay! But if you change your mind, tell Gonta, okay?" Gonta said.

   "'Kay," Kokichi said with a small nod. After waving goodbye to Kokichi, Gonta left the room. Kokichi sighed some more. He lifted his pillow and pulled out his stuffed horse, Mr. Uma. "I miss Himiko," Kokichi said.

   "Well, if ya miss her so much, why don't ya just tell her?" Kokichi asked as Mr. Uma in a Brooklyn accent.

   "Well, she was having so much fun with Sonia," Kokichi explained. "I didn't wanna take that away from her. And, now, I don't know what to do."

   "You could try hangin' out with the other dopes around here," Mr. Uma suggested. 

   "I dunno," Kokichi replied with a shrug. "They wouldn't wanna hang out with me. That's why I like Himiko so much. She always wants to hang out with me...at least, until she started hanging out with Sonia."

   "Look, pal, either you let Himiko know how you feel, or go hang out with one of the other chumps," Mr. Uma said. "Sittin' around sulkin' ain't gonna help ya."

   "Yeah...I guess you're right, Uma-chan," Kokichi said, patting Mr. Uma's head. 

  "Ha! Ain't I always?" Mr. Uma replied. Kokichi smiled before placing Mr. Uma back under the pillow. Then, he stood up from his bed. He still didn't want to tell Himiko how he felt; he'd rather her have a good time with Sonia, instead of listening to him complain about his feelings. He decided to see what everyone else was doing. He took a stroll around the house, hoping to find someone, anyone, who he could talk to. He spied Maki in the living room, watching TV. He groaned to himself, but at least she was somebody. 

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