The Earth Kingdom (End)

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   A harrowing hour later, Rocky and Bonnie emerged from the hut fixing their clothes and trying not to wobble as they walked. Rocky cleared his throat.

   "Um...ahem...we're finished," Rocky said in a voice that trembled slightly. 

   "Did you two have a good talk? " Kokichi asked impishly. 

   "Yeah...we did," Bonnie replied, taking a few deep breaths. Himiko just stood there, horrified. "Um...Himiko, are you okay?" Himiko didn't respond. She just kept staring as if she had seen a ghost. 

   "She's fine," Kokichi said. "She just happened to remember a horror story."

   "Oh...about what?" Rocky asked.

   "About these two lovesick teenagers who met each other in the middle of the woods and ended getting eaten by some vicious beast," Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. Rocky and Bonnie stared at him with fear in their eyes. "Aaaanyhoo, since you two are finished talking, I think it's time to move on, shall we?"

   "'re right," Rocky said with a nod before turning back to Bonnie. "My love, I will see you again, soon, yes?"

  "Yes," Bonnie replied, kissing Rocky on his lips. "One day, Himiko will take you to see my parents, and we'll see each other then."

   "I will be counting the days, beautiful," Rocky sighed longingly as he kissed Bonnie repeatedly. Kokichi rolled his eyes. 

   "Can we just go, nooow?" he whined. Rocky and Bonnie looked apologetically at Kokichi and Himiko.

   "Yes, of course," Bonnie replied, clearing her throat before smiling at Rocky. "Goodbye, Rocky."

   " sweet Bonnie," Rocky replied. Kokichi groaned.

   "Oh, my lanta, let's just get outta here, already!" he said. After one last wave, Bonnie left with Kokichi and Himiko back through the Floral District to find the elevator that would take them back to the Oak Express. Once on the train, they remained silent the whole way until they made it back to the Emerald Forest. 

   "Well, um...I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time, Himiko," Bonnie said. "I guess I kept you away from your sick friend for so long."

   "'s okay," Himiko replied, finally finding her voice. 

   "I suppose I can find my way back through the forest," Bonnie said. "You don't have to come with me."

   "And you don't have to walk the rest of the way," Himiko replied. Bonnie looked at her with confusion. Himiko pointed her Guardian Mage staff away from Bonnie and uttered a spell. As she did, a portal opened up. "You can just walk through this portal, and you'll be home in no time!"

   "Oh, thank you, Himiko!" Bonnie said. " will promise to help me with Rocky, right?"

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now