The Earth Kingdom (6)

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    The Oak Express finally made it to its destination. Kokichi, Himiko, and Bonnie exited the train and were met with lines of magical creatures as they took turns going inside many different elevators. Above the elevators were signs with different locations on them.

   "Nyeh...the elevators lead to the location anywhere in Terra Viridi depending on what the signs say," Himiko explained before turning to Bonnie. "Where did you plan on meeting,"

   "Oh! Um...he said to meet him at the corner of Soil and Seed," Bonnie replied.

   "Hahahaha, is that located in a...seedy part of town?" Kokichi joked. Bonnie tilted her head in confusion at him.

  "Again...don't listen to him," Himiko said to Bonnie as she rolled her eyes at Kokichi. "Anyways, if I remember correctly,  Soil and Seed should be located in the Floral District. That's where all the flower mages live."

   "You mean...not all earth mages are the same?" Kokichi asked incredulously. 

   "No," Himiko replied. "Some deal with flowers specifically, others deal with rock and stone, and others with trees and other plant life. In fact, earth mages are the only mages who have...subcategories of their own kind...I guess. All the other elemental mages can basically control the same thing from their respective kingdoms."

   "Niiiice!" Kokichi replied. "But as a Guardian Mage, you can control every earthy thing, right?"

   "Nyeh...that's right," Himiko replied with a modest smile. 

   "D'oh, you powerful, cute, little Guardian Mage, you!" Kokichi gushed as he squeezed Himiko affectionately. They looked at Bonnie, who gave them a sad smile. They pulled away from each other in awkward silence.

   "Oh...sorry," Himiko apologized, blushing. 

   "It's fine," Bonnie assured. "Soon, I'll see Rocky. That's all that matters to me." Himiko nodded and led Kokichi and Bonnie across the large train station to find the elevator with the sign saying, "Floral District." They finally found it among the hustle and bustle of magical beings, and waited in line for their turn to board the elevator. When it was their turn, they stepped inside the elevator, and it lifted them above ground. They exited the elevator, which was actually just a hollow tree standing on the the sidewalk near a busy street with flower mages and plant-like humanoid creatures rushing by. The buildings were made from vines that neatly folded over each other with many flowers sprouting all around them. Everywhere Kokichi looked was covered in mostly green with occasional, bright and colorful flowers everywhere. In the distance, they saw a large, towering structure made of trees that were clumped together with the tallest tree being in the middle. It took Kokichi a few seconds to realize that it was the castle of Terra Viridi. 

   "Whoa-ho!" he breathed as he looked around him. "This place is so cool!" 

   " time for sightseeing," Himiko reminded him. She took his hand in hers and pulled him along. "Let's keep moving." They walked as they looked at the street signs while Kokichi observed his surroundings in amazement. Some of the other mages and floral creatures stopped to stare at the trio in amazement. They never thought they'd see a Guardian Mage, a fire mage, and a regular human all in one place. Himiko decided to stop and ask directions from a floral mage, who was more than happy to assist her. Himiko thanked the mage and led Kokichi and Bonnie to the corner of Soil and Seed, where stood a small building with a large heart made of flowers decorated at the top. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now