Kokichi Time (4)

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   "How much of that did you hear?" Kokichi growled, his cheeks turning red with anger and embarrassment.  Kaede kept on giggling. "It's not funny!" Kokichi fumed. 

   "Hahahaha...I'm so sorry, Kokichi," Kaede laughed, holding her stomach. "I just...I thought it was kinda cute."

   "There was nothing cute about it!" Kokichi huffed as he crossed his arms and turned his back to Kaede.

   "Kokichi...you miss Himiko," Kaede said with a sympathetic smile.

  "Nuh-uh!" Kokichi lied. "I just...was practicing a song for theatre class!"

  "Kokichi..." Kaede said softly. Kokichi turned to her. His eyes seemed less angry and more heartbroken. He slumped his shoulders.

  "Could you...close the door, please?" he asked in a small voice. Kaede nodded and closed the door behind her. Kokichi sat on his bed and gestured to Kaede to sit next to him. Kaede sat down and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  "Is it true, Kokichi?" she asked. Kokichi hung his head and shut his eyes tight, trying not to tear up.

   "Yeah..." he whispered. He looked up at Kaede. "I miss her so much. I didn't even realize how much I would miss her."

   "Then, tell her, Kokichi," Kaede said. 

   "I want to, I really do," Kokichi said. "It's just that...I...I want her to be happy. And she's hanging out with Sonia because I basically told her to. So it's all my fault, anyways."

   "What exactly happened?" Kaede asked.

   "I mean...I was playing my game, and Himiko came in asking me if I wanted to go with her to DeepBlueSea World," Kokichi explained. "I told her that I needed some space...just for that day, so she ended up going with Sonia."

   "It's not your fault, Kokichi," Kaede said. "You just wanted alone time. There's nothing wrong with that."

   "But because of me, she'd rather hang out with Sonia more," Kokichi said. 

  "Kokichi...you were honest about you needing your alone time," Kaede pointed out. "If you can be honest about that, there's no reason why you shouldn't be honest about how you feel about her hanging out with Sonia lately."

   "I just...can't," Kokichi sighed.

  "Why not?" Kaede asked.

  "Hanging out with Sonia makes her happy," Kokichi repeated. "If I tell her how I feel, it's just going to make her feel guilty."

   "Kokichi, you know that's not true," Kaede said. "Himiko loves you. I know she'd want you to be happy, too."

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Where stories live. Discover now