Spin The Bottle

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    *This story was requested by Naomilossifov! ^-^*

   Kokichi and Himiko were walking home from Hope's Peak Academy one sunny afternoon. It was a hot day, and Himiko was dying from the scorching heat. 

   "Nyeh...I need a drink," she whined. "It's so hot out here!"

  "Well, take off your jacket, duh!" Kokichi said, laughing. 

   "No, then I'll get cold," Himiko replied. "You know how bony and scrawny and easily cold I get." Kokichi smiled and rolled his eyes.

   "Okay, you big baby, look," he said, pointing to a convenience store ahead of them. "We'll go in there and get a drink, o-kaaaay?"

   "Ugggghhhh...yeees! Nyeeeh...sweet relief!!" Himiko groaned. "But...it's too far away!" She paused to lean her head on Kokichi's shoulder and look up at him with puppy eyes. "Will you give me a piggyback ride?"

   "Hmm...I will if you promise not to whine anymore," Kokichi asked, wagging his finger at Himiko.

   "I pwomise," Himiko replied in a small voice as she sheepishly tapped her two index fingertips together. 

   "Okay, then," Kokichi said, and knelt down so Himiko could climb onto his back. He lifted her up, then proceeded to walk to the convenience store.

   "Hmhmhmm...thanks, Kokichi," Himiko replied, giggling happily. 

   "Yeah, yeah...dweeb," Kokichi replied, kissing her hand. They made it to the convenience store, where Kokichi lowered Himiko back onto the ground. Himiko looked around for some juice while Kokichi looked around for both soda and something to snack on. 

   "Nyeh...that's a lot of stuff, Kokichi!" Himiko exclaimed, looking at Kokichi's hands that were full of soda, candy, chips, cookies, and little cakes.

   "Well...I dunno, I might die tomorrow," he said with a shrug. "I want to enjoy them today in case that happens."

   "Nyeh...if you die tomorrow, it'll be because you ate all of that," Himiko pointed out, pointing to his snacks.

   "Nee-heehee...well, at least I'll die happy, then!" Kokichi chuckled. They went to the cashier to pay for their stuff, and exited the store.  

   "Finally!" Himiko exclaimed, opening her juice bottle. She began chugging the juice when she suddenly heard Kokichi snickering. "Nyeh? What's funny?" she asked.

   "Nee-heehee...that bottle reminds me of something we all did a while back," Kokichi replied. 

   "What was it?" Himiko asked.

   "Remember that time before you and I became a couple, we played...spin the bottle? " Kokichi asked with a mischievous grin. Himiko started to blush.

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