Romeo and Juliet (3)

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    "Okay, HimiCocoa Bean, I'll take care of Kaito, while you try to convince Maki to play Juliet," Kokichi said on their way to lunch later that day. 

   "Nyeh...I don't know, Kokichi," Himiko replied with uncertainty. "I'm kinda nervous. And, I don't know how I'm going to convince Maki without her getting suspicious. I'm not as good at lying as you are."

   "Hmm...well, tell her why you think she'd be a good Juliet," Kokichi said. 

   "Nyeh...I guess that'd work," Himiko replied thoughtfully. " you know anything about Juliet?"

   "Ew, no, I've never read *Romeo and Juliet,*" Kokichi replied. "All I know is that they fall in love and they die."

   "Oh...great," Himiko mumbled.

  "Ask Maki if she's ever read it," Kokichi suggested. "If she hasn't, you get to make up any reason as to why you think she should play Juliet. If she *has* read it, ask more about Juliet's character. You might also find a way to convince Maki to play Juliet if you know more about the character."

   "Well...I'll try," Himiko replied. 

   "You can do it, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi said. "Remember, this is for the sake of true love!"

   "Since when do you care about Kaito and Maki's true love?" Himiko asked. 

  "I don't," Kokichi said. "I'm just excited to see how all of this will turn out. Will we succeed, or will Kaito and Maki be star-crossed lovers, destined to never, ever be together? I'll be satisfied either way because I'll just continue to make their lives miserable."

   "Stop being so mean to them," Himiko chided. 

   "I'm the Supreme Leader of eeeeevil, so, of course I'm going to be mean to them," Kokichi countered. 

  " I need to kiss your cheek again?" Himiko asked. 

   "Nee-heeheee...there's no time for that, becaaauuuuse...we've arrived at the cafeteria!" Kokichi replied before playfully sticking his tongue out at Himiko. He opened the cafeteria doors, and scouted the area for Kaito and Maki. "Okay, Himiko, you know the drill!" Himiko nodded. The two separated; Himiko looked for Maki, while Kokichi searched for Kaito. Kokichi found Kaito standing in the lunch line, and sauntered up to him. "Sooo...Kaito, what's up?" he asked. Kaito sighed in annoyance as he carried his tray to the table.

   "What do you want, Kokichi?" he grumbled. 

   "Oh, I was just wondering...are you going to audition for *Romeo and Juliet?*" Kokichi asked, sitting down across from Kaito. Kaito frowned and scoffed.

   "Pfff...why would I do that?" he asked, shoving his food into his mouth. "I've got more important things to do!"

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